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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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There definitely should be! He has a Lesser Restoration he can cast before Van starts; it probably won't do much that the full Restoration didn't but it can't hurt.


It doesn't hurt and maybe helps a little. Vanyel sits up. Maybe he can do a Gate without bothering to stand until he actually has to get himself through. 

He squints around. "Ugh. Maybe if you...draw a door shape in the sand...I can use that? I don't think I can make my brain do it on thin air right now even if Leareth can, but I don't see why a Gate can't be horizontal instead of vertical." 


:The other end will be vertical: Yfandes points out. :That'll be pretty weird. You should probably practice Leareth's way for future, this keeps coming up - er, later I mean, not while you have horrible backlash: 


"Yfandes is shaped kind of like an archway when she's standing up, can you use that?"


"I guess. Just hope it stays up when she moves to go through it. Also it'll, um, be smaller than her, so she'll have to sit down and wiggle through or something." 


Yfandes thinks she can manage, and if not they can maybe grab a wizard from the pharaoh to go retrieve her with a teleport. 


In that case, Vanyel will grunt and attempt a Gate. It takes several tries before he can concentrate enough and convince his mind that Yfandes is definitely a door, but he gets it. It's very funny shaped. 

Then there is a Palace room on the other end of it. He used the doorway to his bedroom just because it's the one he's most familiar with, having spent several days in bed staring at it a lot. (Also staring longingly at the window, but that would make an even worse Gate threshold than Yfandes' body.) 

...It springs up a bit more normal shaped when Yfandes steps away, which is interesting.


Huh. He goes on through and can flag down a servant to get Vanyel some more healing. 


Vanyel stays on his feet by hanging onto Yfandes neck as soon as she squeezes through the Gate, and hopes healing will get there soon - also his bed is conveniently not far away, he'll head there thank you. 


Healing can come to him! Both Velgarth and Golarion Healing, actually, if he wants it.


Vanyel thinks that Velgarth Healers can't do much about backlash unless they're very skilled and have unusual training, but they can channel energy to him at least, and also they can put him to sleep, Velgarth healing for the most part doesn't care how powerful the patient is, if they're cooperating with it. 

Leareth's Healers, perhaps unsurprisingly, also turn out to have unusual training, and with that plus another Restoration he feels a lot better, though he still would really like a nap. Possibly they should try to figure out a message to Valdemar first?


:I can do that with Fazil: Yfandes points out. :Get some rest, Chosen: 


"Are we trying again tomorrow, we should probably decide that before we decide what to tell Valdemar, because it will really affect it. I'm worried we've messed up Abadar's negotiations with the local gods and He won't want us to risk doing it again."


:I'm pretty nervous about trying again? I don't know what the error range is on Plane Shift, but I'm not sure Van and I have even been anywhere that's far enough from Iftel not to risk ending up back there, and if we do Vkandis might overreact even more somehow. ...Gods, I hope this doesn't mess up the alliance between Valdemar and Karse. I'm not sure we knew before now that Iftel was specifically protected by Vkandis, but we do know that Karse is...: 


"Leareth mentioned it once. I'd just completely forgotten. Also I didn't think Vkandis set people on fire very often - thought it might just be a myth, or that it was corrupt priests faking 'miracles' with mage-gift. I guess not." 


:Do you think there's any way we could get Nethys to cast Gate again? I figure probably not, but - that'd get us safely to Haven with no risk of upsetting Vkandis any more: 


"I think you should have the pharaoh ask Abadar what's going on before we make any decisions on what to tell V-V-Valdemar–" Vanyel breaks off into a jaw-cracking yawn. "...Sorry. I think I really need that nap." 


"Of course. Sorry."





The pharaoh sends someone to bring him Fazil and Yfandes about half an hour later. "Don't Plane Shift to Velgarth again," he says once they arrive. "We have ninth circle spells, now, and can send you there in the morning, and we suppose it's fine if you want to Plane Shift back. Other interworld transit will have to wait until the Velgarth mages have developed a way to do it with their magic, which they are optimistic can be done eventually. You may address me."


" - I very much regret whatever inconvenience we caused."


Yfandes hangs her head. She can't actually Mindspeak the pharaoh; her Thoughtsensing doesn't even sense him at all, he's a blind spot. 

:Fazil, can you relay: Pause. :Tell him - we're sorry, we didn't think of this at all. We don't - interact much, with Iftel. I was aware they don't allow Heralds but I wouldn't have expected a reaction anywhere near that, er, extreme. Does Abadar have any insight into what Vkandis was so unhappy about?: 


He relays this. 


"- sorry about that," he says to Yfandes. "We don't know how to interact with Mindspeech and only Mindspeech, and the protective spells common with our magic shield more uniformly than that. What was communicated of Vkandis's complaint was mostly that people ought to be more strongly deterred from going to Iftel."


Yfandes nods. :I am really happy to not go to Iftel! We didn't want to go there in the first place! ...Er, I think it's possible our magic can do better, I think Leareth had a talisman that shielded Thoughtsensing but he could still Mindspeak with it. Possibly they brought more in his box of goodies from Velgarth, or you could get one of his mages to make one: 


He relays this.

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