It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
<GenderBender> Sure
<GenderBender> Maybe make sure they won't shoot me on sight if they hear about the approximate cubism
<GenderBender> But otherwise I'm too boring to be a secret.
<argylecape> Well, that and the gender thing.
<argylecape> do know about the gender thing, right?
<GenderBender> I mean I'm aware I'm genderfluid?
<GenderBender> It's even my nickname! ^^
<argylecape> Yeah, I figured that part
<argylecape> Most people can't shapeshift like that, though, I'm pretty sure?
<argylecape> Yup.
<argylecape> When I met you you were a girl
<argylecape> And when you visited me the first time you were a boy.
<argylecape> Like, physically.
<GenderBender> Wait, really?
<GenderBender> I'd think it'd be obvious you were suddenly hearing stuff miles away?
<argylecape> You'd think, yeah.
<argylecape> But I had a lot going on when I was a little kid, and it took a while to learn to make sense of what I was hearing.
<GenderBender> Well
<GenderBender> I guess I'm not one to talk
<GenderBender> Although honestly I didn't notice I was cubist or that I spent the last few decades in the SIdeways
<GenderBender> Sideways*
<GenderBender> It's probably just messing with my head.
<GenderBender> This whole thing, cubism, shapeshifting, it's probably messing with my head and making me not notice stuff.
<argylecape> Ah.
<argylecape> Maybe.
<argylecape> I can take notes for you if you want? The shapeshifting is the only weird thing I've noticed before today.
<GenderBender> I am uh
<GenderBender> Not really okay with not having control over my brain.
<GenderBender> Really not loving that.
<argylecape> Yeah.
<argylecape> It sounds like it's probably not affecting you that much?
<argylecape> Like, you'd've mentioned if you'd had a bunch of interactions with people that were confusing at the time but made sense now, right?
<argylecape> I've known kids who had hallucinations and seizures where they forgot things and stuff, if something's affecting someone like that it's never tidy.
<GenderBender> I don't wanna make it sound like that's not serious or anything, but not even knowing how this weird magic is changing my perceptions—since it apparently edits my memories, too—is very terrifying to be.
<GenderBender> Anything could be going on.
<argylecape> It couldn't though, that's my point.
<argylecape> Not that this isn't a big deal and not that it's not okay for you to be upset about it
<argylecape> But if whatever's going on is subtle enough that you hadn't noticed /anything/ weird
<argylecape> That puts a pretty sharp limit on how much it can be doing.
<argylecape> Yeah, but
<argylecape> Okay
<argylecape> What, exactly, do you think it's doing?
<argylecape> Like what are you worried about exactly?
<GenderBender> It's definitely messed with my knowledge of my assigned sex at birth, and what I've believed it to be.
<GenderBender> It's messed with my knowledge about what I've been doing for the past decades.
<GenderBender> I'm worried about what else I'm missing, what unknown unknowns there might be!