It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
<GenderBender> Alright, yeah.
<GenderBender> Hollister's been helping me a lot, actually.
<GenderBender> His thing is fun. I might want to make it my thing.
<argylecape> I can check that the DoO doesn't have too many dark secrets while I'm scoping out the DoS's dark secrets, probably.
<GenderBender> I don't mean Orientation.
<GenderBender> I mean, he's the guy who knows a guy. I want to be that.
<argylecape> Oh!
<argylecape> That's cool.
<argylecape> Good that you know the local superhero, then.
<argylecape> I'll probably have my own projects sometimes but I'm mostly not very good at, uh, networking.
<GenderBender> Yeah, I really like people.
<GenderBender> I'm not sure I can even explain it.
<GenderBender> It's just—the thing Hollister does resonates a lot with me.
<GenderBender> Figure out what people want and need and figure out how to make that a reality.
<argylecape> Yeah
<argylecape> You've been pretty good at that so far that I've seen.
<argylecape> Maybe when this all blows over I'll introduce you to one of the people I was working with earlier
<argylecape> It seems like you two might get along really well with that.
<GenderBender> That sounds great!
<GenderBender> And speaking of, do you need anything?
<argylecape> Hm
<argylecape> Need, no, I don't think so.
<argylecape> I'll need to do a food run soon but that should wait 'till I've found the offices and figured out where I'll be staying near there anyway.
<argylecape> I expect the address is on the internet
<argylecape> But if you have better information, yeah, that's useful.
<GenderBender> Nah, it is.
<GenderBender> I was actually wondering if you'd want help finding the place where Montgomery actually is, in case it's not there.
<argylecape> I don't think I have enough information to get anywhere with that
<argylecape> But if you have an idea of how to do it, yeah, that'd help.
<argylecape> I can draw you what I do have? But it's barely just the room he's in.
<GenderBender> Yeah that could be useful.
<GenderBender> It also occurred to me that it could be in the Sideways but it doesn't usually have signal.
<GenderBender> On the other hand they're friends with Bedlam.
<argylecape> Yeah.
<argylecape> I wouldn't've been able to tell, either.
<argylecape> Should I draw it now?
And about ten minutes later a sketch appears in his email, unlabeled and obviously drawn on a phone's touchscreen. She explains the color codes she used in the email alongside it.
<argylecape> It's fine.
<argylecape> I pretty much already knew that.
<argylecape> I can just keep guessing places until I find it, anyway.
<GenderBender> Yeah you're right.
<GenderBender> Good night, then.
<GenderBender> Sleep well.
<argylecape> You too.
In the morning, she looks up the address of Seth Dougal's office, and packs up her things to head over there for a while.