It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
<argylecape> If it needs to be done, sure.
<argylecape> It sounds like nobody's doing it right now, though, and nothing is especially on fire.
<argylecape> I guess what I'm trying to say is let's be careful not to make a worse problem while we're fixing this one.
<argylecape> If there does need to be a new DoS type thing, fine.
<argylecape> I'm just not sure that's actually true.
<GenderBender> I guess.
<GenderBender> I mean, these things are statistically uncommon but they do happen.
<GenderBender> Like fires and car crashes.
<GenderBender> Also there's the more immediate problem of "the second most powerful person in the City is buddy-buddies with Bedlam."
<argylecape> Yeah.
<argylecape> Who's the most powerful, by the way?
<argylecape> I feel like it'd be a good idea for me to be able to recognize them if they turn up someplace.
<GenderBender> The mayor.
<GenderBender> The heads of each department are appointed by him, and they're technically jointly the second most important people in the City
<GenderBender> But D.o.S. is effectively the strongest dept.
<argylecape> Okay.
<argylecape> I'll look them up when I get a minute.
<argylecape> In the meantime, what do you want to do? You seem to care a lot about this.
He sends several messages, one after the other, very quickly.
<GenderBender> Well, yeah, cubism may not be as dangerous as people think but it is dangerous and
<GenderBender> If I flicker like that and I'm okay...
<GenderBender> There must be a lot we don't understand.
<GenderBender> Does it even need contact for infection?
<GenderBender> Is despair cause or symptom?
<GenderBender> How does it all work?
<GenderBender> And the D.o.S. must know more than it lets on and if it's trying something it's got the power to affect everyone.
<argylecape> Mmhmm.
<argylecape> I don't know of anything you can do to help yet, though.
<argylecape> And I'm kind of nervous about telling you much if you're going to be around Hollister or anything
<argylecape> Like, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't clue him in on purpose, but it's easy to make mistakes with this stuff.
<GenderBender> Hmmm
<GenderBender> That's fair
<GenderBender> But Hollister already knows about the creepy doctor, right?
<GenderBender> Well, like I said, someone needs to figure out what the D.o.S. is doing and why
<GenderBender> And how to stp them
<GenderBender> Stop*
<GenderBender> But we don't necessarily need to tell Hollister it's the D.o.S.
<GenderBender> And he could be a useful resource, within the government
<argylecape> I'm open to suggestions, if you can come up with something that's as safe and doesn't make anyone think I'm crazy.
<argylecape> It really is best if the DoS doesn't know I exist, though.
<argylecape> Even if they can't catch me, it would let them guess more about what people I'm helping might be able to do
<argylecape> Which makes it harder for us to do it or less likely it'll work when we do.
<GenderBender> If I think of something I'll tell you.
<GenderBender> Meantime you'll need to have disappeared for a few more days before we declare you dead.
<GenderBender> Right.
<GenderBender> So are there any news about Montgomery & co. you can tell me about?
<argylecape> Let me think.
<argylecape> He's in charge of some other guys.
<argylecape> I heard one of them flicker, I'm not sure about the rest.
<argylecape> They're not very good at what he has them doing, and I don't think I can learn much more by watching them.
<argylecape> I don't know where he is, though. Some kind of office, I heard it when the guys called him, but I don't get much detail through phones.
<argylecape> I might look up the DoS offices next and go there, that seems like a decent guess and even if it's wrong I'll learn stuff.
<GenderBender> Alright.
<GenderBender> I don't exactly have a lot of power to do anything but
<GenderBender> I know a guy who knows a guy.
<argylecape> I don't think it's that risky.
<argylecape> I'll be able to tell if you're being followed or anything, probably.
<argylecape> And I really don't think you're dangerous yourself.
<argylecape> I kind of want to come give you a hug right now.
<GenderBender> I feel like the spontaneity of the sentiment will disappear if you actually do come.
<GenderBender> Thanks, though.