It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
She relays all of this to her father in real time, calming down as she does, then says to Denice, "Okay I guess that makes sense, but then what should we do?"
<argylecape> Get you out of there
<argylecape> It might be worth letting them see, I don't know your dad's reasons there
<argylecape> But if one of them goes Picasso you need to know so you can run
<argylecape> And better to be out before that has a chance to happen
"If the D.o.S. knows we fled they'll be more likely to actually find us and then stop playing dumb," Gregory explains. "But if they think we just moved when no one was looking they'll probably just go looking for us quietly and probably not do anything rash."
"It might be a good idea for us to actually go somewhere else where they'll have a hard time tracking us and then duck away there," he says. "Maybe someone else can get our stuff at the apartment later."
"Do you think you could find a place like that? With lots of exits, maybe..." Pause. "If the Sideways weren't dangerous I'd suggest that."
"Mostly restaurants? We don't actually go places a lot when not mapping, and that's most of what we do."
<argylecape> Perfect, hold on.
Twenty minutes later she reports two options, one in walking distance with a tunnel entrance a block away and the other two subway stops away but with a tunnel entrance in the same mall.
<argylecape> I'd go with the second one, but the first should work too if the subway is too risky.
"Subway's fine, but we should do it tomorrow rather than today. It's gotten late, and it'll be suspicious if we up and leave right now. Besides, we should be well-rested."
<argylecape> Sure.
<argylecape> It should wake me up if they go Picasso, how do I wake you up if that happens?
<argylcape> Got it, thanks.
<argylecape> Oh, question for your dad
<argylecape> Remember Hollister, from the tower?
<argylecape> He was worried about cape villains getting here
<argylecape> And he wanted to let the government know that that might happen
<argylecape> Which sounds like it'd be the DoS
<argylecape> I agreed to prove my power for them, before I knew
<argylecape> Now I think the best plan is to throw it, when they come to do that, pretend it was never real
<argylecape> Kind of mean to do to him, but nothing else is safe
<argylecape> Even that might not be really, it might give them a clue, but everything else is worse, I think
<argylecape> Does he agree?
<argylecape> Depends on who and how many
<argylecape> A lot of them aren't a huge deal, it's not like movies
<argylecape> Most of the ones I know about are just gang members who can do an extra thing
<argylecape> If we get someone who wants to take over the city, we're kind of screwed, unless we get more heroes first
<argylecape> And the right thing to do depends on what their power is and what they're doing with it, there's lots of kinds of capes
<argylecape> But working with the creepy Picasso guys who are maybe trying to drug the whole city is probably not going to be it.
Penny gives him a look. "It's completely our problem—we live in the City, it's everyone's problem."
<argylecape> I think we should at least keep an eye on it
<argylecape> If something weird starts happening that looks more like a cape villain than the DoS or the cult, I can at least go public about capes being a thing
<argylecape> Anonymously, of course
<argylecape> And if there's more stuff we can do we can do it
<argylecape> But we won't know until it happens, and we already have one problem to solve.
"And about Hollister—you said he seemed like, well, not just another government mook—why not tell him?"
<argylecape> I don't know him /that/ well.
<argylecape> I don't know what he'll think he should tell them, I don't know if he'll believe me if I tell him he shouldn't
<argylecape> And if I tell him he shouldn't and he tells them /that/, we really have a problem.
<argylecape> Right now they don't know I'm working with you, and it'd be hard for them to guess
<argylecape> If they know I suddenly don't trust them it gets a lot easier