It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
No it isn't! The Yates say their goodbyes and go back home.
The men in suits notice, of course. Three of them keep watch, the fourth goes to a quieter corner and grabs his phone.
Someone answers, and when she listens through the phone she can "see" it as probably Doctor Montgomery. He's in a small office of some sort, sitting at a table typing into a computer, surrounded by stacks of papers and bookshelves. He doesn't say anything into the phone.
"We found them."
"...found whom?" asks definitely Doctor Montgomery.
"The Yates."
"You had lost them?"
"—uh, yes," the man says, suddenly nervous. "At That Fish Place. They went into the tunnels."
"Did they."
"Uh," says thug.
"Explain," Montgomery demands.
<PennyLane> Of course he did
"Well, we were keeping an eye on them, and then they, uh—"
<PennyLane> Dad's asking for deets
"—weren't there anymore. We figured they'd gone through the tunnels, so we, uh, went after them—"
"And why," Montgomery interrupts, "am I being informed of this just now?"
Penny giggles in her room, and relays this to Gregory.
"I, uh, thought I'd called you?"
"You clearly did not," Montgomery sighs. "Continue."
"So, uh, we tried going through the tunnels but we didn't find them—"
"All of you?"
"Uh, yeah?"
There is an audible (to Denice) facepalm. "And it did not occur to any of you that they might have gone somewhere other than into the tunnels?"
This is kinda funny, yeah.
<argylecape> He thinks they were dumb
<argylecape> They all went into the tunnels, they were supposed to look other places too
Penny giggles some more, and even Gregory lets out a chuckle when he hears that.
"And now you've found them again?" Montgomery prompts.
"Uh, yes, they came back to their apartment."
"How much time did you lose?"
"One, maybe two hours?" the thug tries.
"And now they're back."
"Can you please inform me as soon as something like that happens, next time?" Montgomery asks very slowly.
"Yes, sir."
"Good." He hangs up.
<argylecape> They're supposed to tell him if it happens again. And he was suspicious that you'd caught on, I think, but
<argylecape> If you went back you must not have, or something.
<argylecape> I kind of agree, I wouldn't want to sleep someplace they knew where I was. Are you going to be okay there?
"Dad, come on, I've been mapping the Sideways since I was three feet tall. Anyway, Rescue is asking if we'll be okay even though they know where we sleep."