It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
The door opens into a twisty hallway with hundreds of bedrooms that are also the same bedroom on one side and a single bathroom on the other, and the girl leads her to the bathroom. "They'll forget about you if you stay out of their sight long enough," she explains as she leads Denice through what's as far as she can tell a random selection of doors and rooms.
They don't cover much distance at all, but at the same time they cover a lot of distance. Non-Euclidean geometry. They reach an unremarkable room and the "friends" are out of Denice's range and the girl stops and heaves a sigh of relief.
Ugh she was avoiding the non-Euclidean bits for a reason, that's really disorienting. Being out of range of Anthony is worth it, though. She flops into a chair and stares off into space, reorienting.
Another set of nonsensical rooms and places connected to each other in unlikely or downright impossible ways. They're in a nice sitting room that happens to contain a copy of itself on the ceiling, upside down.
"Hello," the girl says.
She doesn't quite make eye contact, but close.
"Hi." She sounds more tired and wary than appreciative.
Okay, that's reasonable.
"Do you want me to do anything for you? We're, ah, eventually going to need food, but if you'd rather I just stay quiet for a while and wait I can do that."
(The girl is not particularly good at not talking but she will make an effort.)
She shakes her head.
After a few seconds she picks her backpack up from where she dropped it on the floor, rifles through it, and tosses the girl a wrapped pastry.
"Thank you," she says. "I'll eat this later, no sense doing it when I'm not particularly hungry."
Nod, shrug.
She goes back to mapping. This place is the worst, it really is.
After a while, she seems to remember that the the other girl is there, and asks, "do you... know, how to get out?"
"It's—complicated to explain. It's more intuition than anything. The Sideways are... well, they are different in different places. They get weirder and more non-Euclidean the deeper you go, but even very close to the surface they never get normal so if everything looks completely normal it probably isn't. So you need to look for this... sweet spot, kinda, where it's not too weird but not too normal either."
"I have never heard the word 'parahuman' before, do you mean you have superpowers...?"
Lessee, what would make a good demonstration... well, there's a fancy private library sort of in the middle of her range with a path there that's complicated but mostly Euclidean.
"I show? Library," she stands and shrugs on her backpack, "this way."