It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
<PennyLane> Hi!
<PennyLane> So like I was saying
<PennyLane> I think I'll see what I can figure out before just asking point blank
<PennyLane> And then I'll ask
<PennyLane> Maybe
<PennyLane> Would you be willing to talk to him?
<PennyLane> Or do you think it'd be better if I just told him things you said, if we needed?
<argylecape> I can talk to him.
<argylecape> If he's going to be okay with me not being very good at it
<argylecape> He seemed all right at the tower, I think?
<argylecape> But that was kind of different, I don't know.
<PennyLane> He was a bit suspicious of you, but he's a bit suspicious of everyone
<PennyLane> And the power freaked him out a little bit but
<PennyLane> You kinda saved our lives and he'll recognize that and respects you for it.
<argylecape> A lot of people think that's... right, for people like me.
<argylecape> Like, that it's a good thing.
<argylecape> It's really, really not
<argylecape> But if he thinks it is he might not believe me.
<PennyLane> Oh
<PennyLane> He never told me directly but I pieced it together that
<PennyLane> He ran away from his foster family when he was a kid
<PennyLane> He definitely doesn't think being locked up is good, I'm pretty sure
<argylecape> Okay.
<argylecape> I can probably keep myself safe anyway
<argylecape> That's why where I'm staying is secret, I don't like people knowing where I sleep
<argylecape> But if you think he's safe, I'll trust you.
<argylecape> Incoming.
She finds a coffee shop a block away and orders the cheapest thing on the menu to have while she waits.
"Hi, Dad," she greets from the sofa she apparently typically occupies. "You're home early."
"Yeah, everything was easier than it could've been. So, for lunch, how about we go to that fish place?"
She sighs longsufferingly. "Fiiiiine," she says, and swings her feet to the side to get off the sofa.
They don't take the subway this time! They just walk, and Penny starts chattering animatedly about some anime.
Good hiding places are a bit sparse in this part of the city, but she finds a quiet sitting area along a back road to hang out in while they're in the restaurant.