It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
You can tell him about this if you think it's a good idea. I don't know if it is, though.
I don't know, either. He might just decide to actually whisk me off into the night and say it's all too dangerous.
If I'm going to come try it should be soon, then. I'll give the DoS another half an hour and then start heading over there.
I can hang around for a couple days and follow him next time he goes out, though. Or if you know a better place to try, I should be able to recognize him at a pretty good distance.
I think he wouldn't be able to find you, with your superpower. Do you have anywhere to stay, around here?
Yeah, I don't have to be very close at all to hear stuff. I don't have a place in mind, but I shouldn't have any trouble finding something.
That's probably not useful, but the building might not be bugged. She approaches close enough to check.
Yeah, she's not messing with that today. Hopefully she can figure out where the bugs are sending to - if she can get there, it might be as good as breaking in, even - but until then, nope.
DoS, before the half hour is up? Probably not, but...
Look how surprised she's not. She emails Sadde and Hollister, swings by her place for supplies, and then heads for the address.
Sadde expresses a similar sentiment, with more confusion and less guy-who-knows-a-guy-ness.
The address contains: a teenage girl.
She's alone in an apartment, messing with a tablet, lying on her couch.
Let me know if you find anything out, she sends to Hollister, and then once she's picked a spot to hang out in for the next few days, she sends Penny an I'm here.
She starts typing something into her tablet, pauses, then says out loud, "You can hear me, can't you?"
"That is so cool! It's so cool that you have a superpower like that! I feel really weird talking to myself like this. Where are you? Or is it a secret?"
It's a little bit secret, but I could meet you someplace.
And then a second later, the pizza place a couple blocks up from your place is pretty quiet tonight.
"Okay, I'll be right there!"
She gets up, leaves a note to her dad, grabs her phone, wallet, keys, and out she goes.
Pizza place! Denice doesn't have much money, but she does have a little, picked up for exactly this sort of pretending-not-to-be-a-homeless-runaway scenario (well, okay, not exactly this sort, but close enough); they can share an order of fries, at least.