It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
It's probably better to wait and find out more about what's going on, first, anyway. I can stay nearby and do that.
And to Sadde: I talked to Hollister and he called too. They aren't here yet, I'm not sure they're coming at all. I'm going to stay and see if I can find anything else out.
They say that, but it doesn't mean they really do it. They said a lot of stuff about patient rights and not hurting us and stuff in the institution, too.
I dunno. Maybe not anybody. Or maybe they do do it and something weird is happening today, I dunno. I'm new here, remember?
Right, yes, I'm just doing the electronic equivalent of speculating out loud and being worried. I'm worried.
Yeah, same difference.
Hm. Do you know if Sideways entrances that are near each other in the city are near each other in the Sideways, too?
And this reminds her of Penny, who she emails as well: Something's come up and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it over there. I will if I can.
She checks the surrounding area out anyway, focusing first on the few blocks nearest to the building and then spreading out from there.
Unexpected whiteboards? Vials of mysterious liquids? Curiously blocked-off stairways?
Yeah, I'm all right. I found some creepy Bedlam stuff going on near where I live, and I'm checking it out. And I told the DoS about it and it's been like an hour and a half and they haven't come.
Nope, other than the one building, nada.
Wow, really? Okay now I'm starting to get worried she might actually be after you. What happened?
I don't think so, this time, it seems like this was already here. I took notes - transcript again.
You know, I really really should figure out what my dad is up to, she sends after a few minutes.
I mean he's been going after people who have been going after us and they started going after us after we left the Sideways a few weeks ago and they're weird and they might have something to do with that.