It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
"Movers move - run, fly, teleport. Shakers change... world, area. Brute, tough, strong. Breaker, changes self, strange. ...Master, does minions, person, animal, whatever. Tinker makes tech. Blaster, shoots. Thinker, said. Striker, touch power. Changer, shapeshift. Trump, power changes powers. Stranger, hiding power."
"Wow, that's awesome! And there are heroes and villains? Is there, like, a Justice League?"
(They are pretty close to the edges of the City by now.)
"There's a bigger problem there. If one of these... villains... comes through, we won't be equipped to stop them."
"—right, Rescue, um, I'm gonna tell my superiors about this, these superpowers, I guess, but, uh—they won't believe me if I can't, uh, prove it."
It's difficult to stare someone down without meeting their eyes, but she makes a pretty good attempt - but then shifts into actually considering it.
"Can do, safe for me. Pick time, tell me. Person comes here, time, says 'message for Rescue', says secret thing. I tell you secret thing, you tell them."
"Okay, sure, that works. Then what are you going to do to prove it? ...I guess maybe it doesn't make sense to tell me in advance."
"Not goona... lots, people, too easy trap. But, need me, come here," she gestures at the city around them, "someplace no people, say name, wait. You too," she directs at Penny and her dad.
Yyyeah maybe if she wasn't such a squishy mage of a superhero she'd be more willing to work with people who don't follow directions. Or maybe not. Either way, she nods to Hollister and grins at Penny and heads off for the nearest empty building where she can nap for a few hours.
Penny and her father go off in one direction, the former happily chattering at the latter about everything and nothing.
Hollister and Marcy go to the subway station, resuming an argument about the latter's presumption that the former is just a playboy womanizer. The discussion ends with Marcy starting to teach him sign language.
It takes a while for Denice to relax enough to sleep, but she does.
She'll take it easy for a couple days, if she can.