It's an ordinary early autumn night in New York: chilly; not uncomfortably so, yet, but promising to get colder as the season wears on. A scruffy, long-haired vagabond emerges from the shadows in the alley behind a clothing store, unhesitatingly enters the passcode to disarm its security system, quickly picks the lock, and goes quietly in.
"Wow. A true, real superpower? How'd you get it? Was it a radioactive accident? Did a mutant spider bite you? Were you hit by lightning?"
...oh right, there are other people here. Um.
She shrugs, and puts a little more distance between herself and the Yates. "Dunno. Not, secret, my world, powers. Different one, think."
"Yeah... that makes sense. If there's Earth and the City, and no one from Earth knows about the City, stands to reason there'd be other worlds. What's that programmer saying, zero, one, and infinity are numbers, two doesn't make sense...?"
She blinks at him, startled, but keeps walking without comment; the reaction would be very easy to miss.
"But wait, is it like the other Earth? With all those countries, like the United States and, uh... What other places are there?"
"I think it's great! She saved our lives, I bet lots of other superheroes like her can help the City!"
"Lots, um..." she closes her eyes to think; this doesn't slow her down any. After a few seconds, she recites: "Mover, shaker, brute and breaker. Master, tinker, blaster, thinker. Striker, changer, trump and stranger. Different powers... inside those, too. Thinker, me, also precog, also memory power, like that."
"These are types of powers? Ssssoooo... thinkers can, um, do thinking things? Except hearing, so, like, perception?"