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A screaming teenager ends up in Galatea
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Okay... now... can she tell whether she can manipulate one of the not-yet-settled bits of her magic into healing, if she tries?


There is no obvious way to do that. There continues to be no obvious way to do that for as long as she cares to look for one.


She won't look for very long, she ought to have pretty intuitive handling on at least her own magic, now that it's attached to her, if there's any way it will be very unintuitive.

"Can you use your healing on yourself, or only other people?"


"'s Light healing. You could get healing that worked on yourself, you're Wood."


"Yeah, that's why I asked. Also I apparently can't directly modify the undefined bits of my magic, or at least not straightforwardly."




"Also the magic looks sorta... finite and infinite at the same time? Like it's not exactly limited in the number of powers I can get, but it also doesn't look like it has enough room for a limitless number of them?"


"Well... it's true that there isn't a set number of powers that every mage gets... how does it manage to be limited but not limited, though?"


She shrugs. "Beats me. I think I'd have to develop more powers to figure that one out."


"Well. Good luck?"


"Thanks!" She beams. "I think I should get powers related to permanent blessings and such, since those don't actually exist and they do mean a constant drain would be gone—like flight, I spend an unnecessarily large amount of mana doing flight."


"Yeah. That's an Earth thing, giving yourself blessings. And Light when it's for other people. Wood can do both, lucky you."


"Or maybe on a more altruistic level, something about regeneration rather than healing—a persistent healing blessing? Oooh is that possible? Something that lets people remain young and healthy and doesn't let them get diseases and die of natural causes if they don't want to—"


"That kind of thing is harder than just healing somebody or just giving them a better memory or making them stronger or something, but there's no reason why it'd be impossible, you could try for something like that."


"I mean, harder, yeah, but it's—it fixes almost everything? Or, everything that's easily fixable."


"Yeah, it'd be really useful, it's just that - being harder to get means you might not get it, being harder to use means you might not be able to do it as much as you'd need to if you wanted to get everybody."


"Are there no practice effects?"


"...what do you mean?"


"Like, doing more magic doesn't make it easier to do?"


"It does, but... doing different things still takes different amounts of time."


"Right but if it does get easier then eventually it would be easy enough that I could do it to everyone."


"...or it stops getting easier eventually. I don't actually know if it does, but I wouldn't be surprised."


"That'd be way unhelpful," she sighs. "But I don't think I should, you know, not try that, before giving up."




"So to develop new magic you just—want it?"

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