:I am not angry: Leareth sends, immediately, that feels important to clarify.
...It's different, reading Maitimo's thoughts with his Gifts instead of getting it via Maitimo letting him in through the osanwë barrier. It means he's getting everything and he knows he's getting everything, they both know it, and - the emotions are coming through a lot stronger - Leareth has to back off after thirty seconds because it's too overwhelming.
He takes a few deep breaths, focuses on not crying, and then starts thinking, out where Maitimo can see it. Because it seems very important that they be on the same page, here. He is very tentatively drifting toward concluding that Maitimo does still want to be his friend, but...that requires having everything in the open, and he thought he'd achieved that before but clearly not.
In hindsight it makes a lot of sense that - the ways that humans hurt each other constantly, all the time, the - kinds of tradeoffs that any military commander is taking when they hire soldiers without vetting their entire lives, for example - that those don't come up in paradise.
(Leareth knows for a fact that it has ever happened for Valdemaran soldiers to rape Karsite civilians, because sometimes they were caught and went to trial for it, and presumably sometimes they weren't caught, and...he isn't really sure where he's going with that, actually. There is clearly any kind of moral distinction between King Randale personally raping a Karsite refugee versus indirectly giving coin and weapons and legitimacy to a soldier who ends up doing so, but also the harm is still out there in the world either way.)
He's thinking about - unwanted children, abused children, and how this must just not ever happen here. And how hard he tried to make sure none of his biological children were unwanted in that way, because - it just doesn't make tactical sense, right? He wanted them to reach adulthood, healthy and prosperous, and be in a good position to have lots of children of their own. He certainly didn't want their mothers to know they'd been raped, that would be stupid and unhelpful toward any of his goals. He's aware this doesn't make it much less monstrous.
(He is directly responsible for children being taken from their parents, in his attempts to pre-emptively strip Valdemar of mages and instead get them on his side, so the invasion he planned would be over as quickly and bloodlessly as possible. He was, a few times, indirectly responsible for their being mistreated a lot more than necessary in the process, even though that doesn't make any tactical sense and just resulted in a lot more time wasted on helping them recover from it later – because it turns out that when you're trying to hire kidnappers, even if you do your best to vet them, they are kind of being filtered to be terrible people. Leareth has supplied a lot of terrible people who've done a vast amount of harm and that's - on him, just as much as what he's done with his own hands.)