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"Yes. The Companions were created by a god, or perhaps multiple gods. Supposedly in response to a prayer. They are all tied into something called the Web – which Vanyel improved upon, recently, but which existed from the beginning. They have Mindspeech with each other always; they have a limited amount of precognition. They are supposed to Choose people who are very good, and support them in running the Kingdom, while helping them to be incorruptible." 


"I will confess that all my interactions with the Heralds have been supportive of the impression that they're unusually virtuous and suited to running kingdoms."


"I dislike many aspects of the system but, that is true. Though I ought to let Vanyel speak to it, really, it is his home." 


"You dislike that it's the gods picking?"


"I dislike the numbers of levers it gives them toward pointing Valdemar in the direction they prefer." Leareth is uncomfortable about the subject and isn't really sure why. 

...Possibly it's because he expects Vanyel to have feelings on the matter, and possibly to point those feelings in his direction, and this is a lot more terrifying than it reasonably ought to be. 


Hug. "How did you end up with your army, did you assemble it all in this life? Can you designate yourself as your heir, or do you not know who you'll be in time?"


"I did some preparatory work in the far north about a century ago, and in my current body I returned there about...forty years ago?" Leareth has to think about it for a moment to remember what decade it is in Velgarth. "I do not know which body I will end up in next when I die, although I can with some success aim for a region of the world. So I run a number of secret organizations where I have various passwords that I can retrieve from my records, and the membership mostly do not know who is ultimately in charge anyway." 


"Huh. I guess if you can Gate around anyway a region of the world is good enough for most purposes. Are you always male?"


"Yes, and mage-gifted - that is a requirement. The other Gifts can vary." 


"Once we get you all your memories back I'm going to have so many questions about how you originally set all this up."


"So will I. I do not have any records of my first life."


"Leareth?" Melody waves. "Try mage-sight and tell me if it still works?" 


He tries.

The small irregular section of tapestry, now bordered around the edges with delicately picked-out dense fog, lights up. 

"It does!" 


"Good! And try the light again?" 




"Sorry, I know that's frustrating." She looks up, smiles at him. "But, we did it! You can keep your Sight." She turns to Maitimo. "Did we make a decision on the projective Mindspeech? He's only got a moderately strong Gift and Van thinks he can have shielding done on the room by tonight." 


"Thank you." 


Melody stretches, unkinks her neck. "Anything else we ought to talk about now?" 


"Mmm?" Leareth is distracted, busy noticing that there are layers upon layers of protective wards around his room, presumably Vanyel's work, and in hindsight this is very unsurprising and of course he'd have done it - of course he's actually just worried about Leareth's safety, when he can't protect himself, even if the island is supposed to be safe - and he wishes someone would've told him but also in a way it makes it more touching that Vanyel didn't think of it. He wasn't doing it to humour Leareth being unreasonably scared, he just...actually wanted to be careful. 


"I think that's everything. Thank you."


"You're very welcome." Melody gets up. "As usual, please call me if you need anything." She heads out. 


Leareth reaches to rub his eyes. As usual, he's tired after a session with Melody. 

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