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Everyone being shaken makes a lot of sense. He is going to head over and apologize again and give the compressed version of the briefing on the security situation across the whole continent if there seems to be an appetite for it. 


Randi would like to hear that, yes. He's trying to decide if it still makes sense to take Shavri with him if he visits more places in Beleriand. 


Shavri would like to point out that they're lifebonded and therefore she is exactly the same amount of safe as he is regardless of whether she is physically with him. (This has the sound of an argument they've had many times.) 


Do they both at least have the shield amulets Leareth made a bunch of the Noldor during the war, which buy hours of time during which Vanyel can presumably be fetched for rescue.


"I assume not the exact ones but we have a kind that one of our mages back home designed. And I think Savil will come with us, if we do continue. She's not Vanyel but she's powerful in her own right." 


Well, he can't give any firm recommendations but he can go through the briefing in detail. They have good information on how the locals feel about visitors in all the places closer than Cuivienen (and also information about their capabilities; no one in the Outer Lands has invented metalworking except the Dwarves, but most of them are competent with bows and arrows.) 


This will end up being a couple of hours if they want to go through all the peoples known to the Noldor in detail and get properly introduced to the Noldor who they'll be interfacing with once Maitimo goes back.


They do, but Dara can make sure they stay on track and cover it efficiently, nudging Randi when he's asking questions that are probably a digression and can be answered by their other guides later. She takes notes. Dara gives off the impression of being a very organized person. 

:Er, why are you going back sooner?: she asks in private Mindspeech as they're finishing up. :You don't have to say, if it's not my business, just...wondered if it's relevant to our decision-making here: 


Leareth needs me to. I realize the timing is terrifically awkward but I'm confident of the people I've introduced you to. 


That gets him a slightly odd look, but she nods. :We understand. I'm not really worried, if we've got Savil with us. Also Companions can run a lot faster than ordinary horses, so we ought to be able to outrun most things on this world that could come after us. We just know not to get completely complacent, now, which is honestly kind of good. There was just a war on, I know that, but - Vinyamar is so lovely, it has us all with our guard down: 


I think everyone here is trying to forget as quickly as possible that there ever was a war. But - it does seem to me that you'll be safe, if you're prepared.


Nod. "Thank you," she says out loud. 


"Yes, thank you." Randi smiles weakly. "We're not about to hold the poor hospitality of the Cuivienen locals against your people. The Noldor have been nothing but wonderful to us."


Stef looks like he sort of wants to say something, but doesn't. 


Then he will extract himself as soon as he gracefully can, and ask Vanyel to come with him to where Leareth is.


Vanyel is in Savil's guest-room. :What is it?: 


Leareth wants to go back to Tol Eressëa. I'm going to go with him, I think he's going to need more support than he has for the next couple of weeks. It's awkward but your King's party is being very forgiving. Do you want to come also?


:Oh gods, what, right now? Um. Can I have thirty seconds to think about it?: 


Of course! You have the Silmarils here so you can also Gate us over and then follow later if you care to.


Vanyel feels so torn. Well. His duty is clear - go with his King - but Savil is here now. Also accompanying Randi would mean sticking around with Stef and, while part of him finds that tempting, the more sensible part of him thinks an excuse to stay well away for a few weeks can only be for the better. 

:I'll come with you: he decides. :Can I have five or ten minutes to pack my things and say goodbye to my aunt?: 


Of course! It is hardly as if they can leave without him.


Vanyel explains to Savil that he's headed back with Maitimo and why, gets an understanding nod and a hug from her. Jogs off to his room to shove all his belongings back into his travel-pack before going to meet Maitimo at Leareth's room. 


Leareth, when Maitimo gets there, is sitting in bed with his forehead resting on his folded knees and his arms wrapped around himself. (He is noticing that it's been a lot longer than an hour.) 


I'm sorry. Vanyel's getting his things together and then we'll leave.


"Mmm." Leareth doesn't move. 

It's stupid. Last night he was fine sleeping here alone, and he's not any less safe than he was then – but it feels like he's back to having no way to exert control over his surroundings or even predict what's going to happen next, it's all just a random sequence of moments strung together and the best he can do is try to avoid having preferences about what sorts of experiences his future contains. 


He sits down next to him and waits for Vanyel.

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