Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"We have an... Endbringer-like problem... but rather than a small number of enormous monsters destroying things at scheduled intervals, it's an enormous number of smaller monsters determined to conquer the planet," he says. "If I'm very lucky, I can figure out a way to solve yours and then bring back a way to solve mine."
"We don't know how many there are, but we keep killing all the ones we can find and then there keep being more," he says. "Years ago - a hundred and a half? - my planet's population was two billion. Now it's half that."
"We're doing much better now that - hm - politics isn't getting in the way of the defense efforts," he says. "Most of the loss was in the first handfuls of years. But yes."
"They came from," he makes an illustrative gesture, "far away. Outside the planet. We don't know where."
"I see," even though he doesn't. "Powers here only started appearing about twenty years ago, the Endbringers soon after."
That gives him pause. "I think there are a number of researchers who would be interested in that information."
He shrugs. "I can't say it's my area of expertise, but it's my impression that they expect powers to have appeared at roughly the same time in all parallel worlds."
"Maybe not. I'm not the best person to discuss this, my stronger suit is focusing on the here and now."
"Armsmaster is the closest to someone interested I know of here in Brockton Bay, but Director Piggot could probably get you in touch with someone. Parahuman research isn't under the Protectorate's purview but I think there are associated institutions that collect data from and give data to us."
"I'd kind of like one anyway, but I don't know what to pick. Is there someone I can talk to about that?"