Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Lance's armour cracks on impact with the ground. She dismisses and refreshes it, spending a mere fraction of a second unprotected before she flares with golden light and a new suit of plate mail forms around her.
That fraction of a second is quite enough for Hookwolf and Cricket to see that Lance happens to be an Acceptable Target.
In other news, Purity doesn't actually have very strong defenses that could help her deal with a force staff blast. She tries to dodge, but the nigh-invisible sphere of physics-defying whatever-the-hell-it-is hits her with enough force that she—
(And Fog continues advancing.)
...but Purity is a different matter. She launches herself off the ground and heads for the falling villain at maximum speed, catching her well before she nears the rooftops.
Fog finally encircles Stormtiger, Hookwolf, and Cricket, not actually covering them but just surrounding them. Miss Militia calls this in, and Chevalier tells the heroes not to engage unless the Empire becomes hostile.
...which they might, given that Purity is now unconscious in Lance's arms.
"Personally I think we should all just leave," says Sokoreth. "Or at any rate Lance should just leave." Of course, he says this as one of the ones who's going to have the most trouble leaving, being a non-flier stranded on a rooftop with no damn grappling hook and Fog almost directly beneath him.
"We can't leave while the Empire is still around, but Lance definitely can," Miss Militia says over the comm as Fog starts retreating.
But hey, at least no one died, which Sokoreth was worried about for a bit there. Both immediately before and immediately after he threw that force blast at Purity. Why was he so alarmed? Maybe just having his teammate suddenly swatted out of the air by an energy blast... that would alarm anyone, surely.
This has been a really frustrating interlude and Sokoreth is glad it's over. Also, he feels bad about the way he took down Purity.
"I'm dissatisfied with my decisionmaking in the moment," he admits. "My first thought was 'get her out of the air', and I did what was most effective toward that goal without giving enough weight to other important considerations."
"What happened when I succeeded was that Lance caught her," he says. "Which I think was reasonable to expect, knowing Lance."
He pauses, then adds, "Nevertheless, I'd like the chance to apologize to her personally."