Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"I have no particular desire to be any sort of spider person, but I so want a grappling hook."
Lance keeps pace with Echo, but she and Sokoreth have the better vantage from which to spot the disturbance. What's going on?
The back of the van is open, showing a foamed inside, presumably where Cricket is. And that spot seems to be the origin of the occasional really irritating noise that pulsates sometimes and only Ashras can really hear.
A thin, perfectly straight bolt of lightning flashes from the end of the bronze-and-copper wand and strikes Hookwolf. It makes a loud noise. If he's lucky maybe it'll annoy Cricket as much as her echolocation annoys him.
Echo uses the grappling hook and some parkour and running along walls to reach the top of a building and look at what Sokoreth just shot at. "Sokoreth is engaging Hookwolf from a distance, I'll try to tranquilize Stormtiger, a sniper tranquilizing rifle would be useful," she says into the comm.
She carries him toward the battle, maintaining a reasonable altitude and getting him into position to shoot at Hookwolf some more.
He throws a couple of stun bolts at Stormtiger on his way past, but Lance is not the most stable firing platform in the world, so he can't get the kind of pinpoint aim he could deploy from a rooftop. Sacrificing the mobility wouldn't be worth it. Back to peppering Hookwolf with lightning rays.
Hookwolf is hit by lightning sometimes, which doesn't cause him to melt again, but it does seem to hurt him pretty badly. He's still a mess of whirring blades, losing a bit of his form whenever he's hit and taking a fraction of a second longer to recover each time he's hit. He tries to move in such a way as to be covered by the van and dodge Sokoreth's rays, and continues attacking the side of the van until its interior is uncovered, and then he backs off. Miss Militia's attacks continue being ineffective, as anything strong enough to actually hurt him is likely to also kill him. Stormtiger's still being harassed by Velocity, so he releases his blade suddenly to push the heroes back, and then hides behind the van as well. He starts reforming his air blade and using it to slash at the foam, which doesn't stick to actual air as it would metal.
He focuses on throwing lightning rays at Hookwolf, because slowing Hookwolf down seems to be the only thing he can accomplish here that nobody else can. With the silver wand in his off hand he occasionally tosses a stun bolt at Stormtiger.
Stormtiger's wearing a bulletproof vest, too, so Miss Militia can't get him, either. He counts on Hookwolf to warn him when Sokoreth shoots at him, even if the warning sometimes consists of having to actually push him out of the way. Velocity runs around them really fast, but before he can do a whole lot to either of them Hookwolf's sharpness keeps him away.
And Echo's still trying to find a good position to tranquilize them.
And then Cricket's been freed, and Stormtiger spins on his heels to do something—
—and his blade is in the way of one of Sokoreth's lightning rays—
Sokoreth yelps and shuts his eyes, too late to avoid being temporarily blinded by the flash. "Fuck!"
"Lightning ray through compressed air. In retrospect, it's obvious that they wouldn't combine well."
But a strange mist comes from an alley over there...
"Fog's here," Miss Militia says over her comm. "Either we get them now or we retreat, he can corrode living tissue and Night's usually with him."
"Drop me on a roof," he says to Lance, barraging Hookwolf and Cricket with further lightning rays and stun bolts.
"Your wish is my command," she says, swooping. In fact she takes him quite literally and drops him on a trajectory that will end with him on a rooftop, then folds her wings and dives toward Cricket and Stormtiger, keeping out of Sokoreth's line of fire.