Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
Because now I want to understand for myself exactly why it isn't true. But to do that I'd have to study it.
There are a lot of theories that aren't true for the most varied of reasons! In fact most of them aren't true!
And yet, none of the rest of them are being specifically waved in front of me at this time.
Well, I'm happy you have your priorities right, then, otherwise we'd never get around to saving the world.
Yup! And who knows, maybe there'll be some insight there and we'll figure out the true theory of everything. Or maybe some tinker will.
Maybe we can use that and get Professor Haywire's tech and modify it to open a portal to your not-an-Earth.
Yeah. After we save the world. I'm not sure I want there to be a portal to Suranse while there are still Endbringers.
That is a very good point, they've sort of been a fixture of my life since always but I understand not wanting them.
Did I never mention those to you? Invaders from outside the planet trying to conquer everything.
The monstrous wildlife is barely a problem at all. The best I can say for the Enemy is that maybe by the time they're dealt with, the Ceirene and Aluvai will be used to cooperation enough that no one starts trying to kill each other again.
Wow. That's horrible. Where do they come from? Like, ships? Portals? How do they fight? Can't you cut their access to supplies? We should bring tinker tech there.
They have flying vehicles that can get around competently outside the planet's gravity, but we don't. So all we know is that they come from somewhere outside the range anyone has ever been able to fly to.