Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
Awwwww. He's so cute when he's asleep. And also when not. Like, cute all the time. Much cuteness. Cuteness abounds.
His even breathing soon lulls her to sleep, too.
His even breathing soon lulls her to sleep, too.
And they sleep very cozily and Ashras gets up in the middle of the night and goes home to start reading Aristotle.
Well, anyway. He acquires more education and reluctantly decides it wouldn't be an effective use of his time to learn ancient Greek and compiles his experimental results and reluctantly decides it wouldn't be an effective use of his time to create a font he can use to type familiar languages on the computer and emails Sadde at four-thirty in the morning to say You're delightful, when should we do this again? and wrestles with computer-assisted design software to come up with new blueprints to test for next time and wishes anyone else was awake at five o'clock and goes to sleep.
Well, anyway. He acquires more education and reluctantly decides it wouldn't be an effective use of his time to learn ancient Greek and compiles his experimental results and reluctantly decides it wouldn't be an effective use of his time to create a font he can use to type familiar languages on the computer and emails Sadde at four-thirty in the morning to say You're delightful, when should we do this again? and wrestles with computer-assisted design software to come up with new blueprints to test for next time and wishes anyone else was awake at five o'clock and goes to sleep.
Yeah, pretty much no one else is awake at five in the goshdarn AM. When Sadde wakes up, she checks her emails as part of her morning routine, and grins.
I don't have to work this Sunday.
It's kind of annoying being the only person on the planet who sleeps like an Aluvai. But he'll survive. He's up again at about ten in the morning to respond.
Sounds good.
I'm very enthusiastic about power testing, but not opposed to variation. Did you have something in mind?
I'm not unenthusiastic about it. We could meet up in the morning and actually do multiple things! Like a movie, for instance.
I favour this plan, with the understanding that doing things outdoors in the daytime is terrible and I may have to nap sometime in the middle of the day.
I'm not sure how much an umbrella would help. But we could do things indoors during the day...
How surprised do you want to be? Because I can restrict myself to what you consider a reasonable hour if you tell me when those are, but if you don't you're going to get a semi-random time between midnight and noon.
As long as you don't expect me to actually get off the bed should you arrive while I'm on it, semi-random time between midnight and noon works!
That's true, you could text me when you arrive if your semi-random time happens to be while I'm asleep.