Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Also that kiss has informed her that he's not only pretty, he's tasty. She puts the arcane artefact aside, it can wait a bit while she maybe gets a taste or two.
You know, occupational hazard of being her. When people are her, they tend to be great. Known medical fact.
Sadde will probably continue to be great until she notices she's having too much of an effect, and then she'll stop because she wants something else.
Well, she'd like to use her artefact, is what she'll do. And now it's properly positioned and she can focus on getting back to kissing his lips while one hand guides him to a place that didn't exist the last time they played this game.
Mmhm! And she positions herself just so, and now he's exploring new and exciting places to completely new and exciting depths!
Such a good decision. It has led to so many good things. They are going to save the world together. And, meanwhile, they are going to have immense amounts of fantastic sex.
Yeees! Immense amounts of fantastic sex was definitely not on her plans but it's such a nice bonus.
Yesss those are great. She loves causing those. She feels slightly selfish again that he's only had one of those while she has had the equivalent of three already, but that's quite alright. She kisses him.
Ashras is perfectly happy with this distribution of explosions. Look how perfectly happy he is. He is so perfectly happy. Mm, kisses.
In the meantime: kisses!