Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Oh, that is fun. Sadde is fun. Sadde is delightful. Sadde is going to be extensively rewarded for losing this game.
Well now that she has lost, can she, like, put both feet on his back and sort of—it's kinda hard to describe, really, her back is arching and she doesn't quite scream but that's just because she knows her walls aren't thick enough to let her.
She will not be reprimanded! When Ashras needs her to be more still than she is being, he can pin her down a little. And continue doing things.
It is so very nice to be appreciated. It is very nice indeed to be appreciated this much. He is absolutely going to continue doing the things, with this sort of encouragement.
"You know," she manages to say, after the second time he drives her to almost-screams, "I think I'm being selfish."
The blindfold and rope are gone, and she sits up, reaching down under Ashras' chin with her right index finger. "Well, for starters, I will need you to remove your pants to reward you."
Then: "Okay." Away with the pants.
She looks and purses her lips. "I think the underwear should go, too," she says, sliding her right hand down his chest, down down until it finds something interesting to hold on to.
That can totally happen. Also snuggling up to Sadde. Snuggling up to Sadde is happening.
(But she's still holding something, and given that they are now snuggling that something is quite close to something else. Sadde is maybe making use of this fact.)
She continues making use of that fact, making sure his something is in contact with her something else, teasing him with it, and reaching with her other hand behind his head to pull him in to a kiss.
Yes! Yes they are! And now Sadde's left hand is reaching again for her bedside table's first drawer, because three times was only a record when she was a boy.
Now, say, does Ashras think he has the gist of how the arcane Earthly artefact works, or should she demonstrate again?
He understands the theory but the practice is a little hampered by the fact that he has claws. Perhaps she'd better help.
She should probably get closer to him in order to help. No such thing as being too careful, naturally, she needs to make sure she's doing everything right. And my, what a pretty sight that is. She kisses it.