Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
(She definitely does not get the hint that his pinning her down was supposed to reduce the squirming, though. Squirm squirm.)
Yes! Yes please continue doing that except she doesn't say that out loud because it could be interpreted as begging and she's not losing the game so soon, no, sir.
He keeps getting near Interesting Locations, and then... not.
Nnnnggghhhhhahhh! She struggles with her bonds, biting her lower lip and moaning, grabbing her bedsheets with her toes and making a mess out of them.
"You know, I feel like you didn't plan this as well as you could have," Ashras observes. "What with you still being able to move your legs."
"Well," he says. "If I were to say: don't move...?"
He has a pretty good voice for this sort of thing, when he tries. A little tentative and self-conscious, but a respectable effort, particularly on his very first try.
She stops moving, except for the involuntary shiver that runs down her whole body, and the more visible involuntary effects he seems to be having.
Her noises are all the more expressive now that she's not allowed to express herself with movements. She can't help curling her toes, it's as involuntary as the noises, but otherwise does a very good job at controlling her movements.
Oh eys ys yeees it is dmf modst most definitely tiem tmie time for that, oh gonndess goodness!
But: is she still succeeding at not moving? It is important that she succeed at not moving. It is her assigned task.
Mmhm. She is. She is kinda succeeding. There is a definite nonzero amount of success! Like, if you squint a bit, and tilt your head to the side, she's totally one hundred percent not quite completely failing.
And now she has lost, he might notice that she had been holding back in how she expressed her appreciation.
Yes! Now there are words, not all of which are coherent. Some of them are his name. Others may even be—gasp!—swear words!