Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
And he has claws, too. Sadde seems to like the claws. It is important to do things Sadde likes.
More noises! Because Sadde does, she does like claws! Claws are so great. It is so great that Ashras comes with all these nice perks.
So, there's kisses. And claws. And biting. And all these things can be applied to the various currently exposed parts of Sadde. Ashras is getting pretty comfortable with the available combinations here. It may be time to try something new.
But while he's deciding what to try, he can continue doing the familiar things. After all, it would be terrible if Sadde got bored.
It would! It'd also mean they both lost the game, which neither of them wants. It's a good thing he's doing such interesting things!
So, hmm...
Well, for one thing, there would be more available kissable locations if Sadde were not wearing so many clothes. Ashras can fix that.
She squirms a bit when he starts fixing that, trying to help him as much as she can. She's not wholly successful, since anticipation makes her more squirmy than she should strictly be.
There. Now there are more parts of Sadde to put his mouth and hands all over. Like her legs. He is fond of those. They're very biteable.
...One might almost accuse Ashras of avoiding certain places, though...
Yes, she has noticed this, and is becoming increasingly squirmy on account of this fact. She doesn't complain, though, and doesn't beg. Just makes many noises.
Her noises are delightful and she is delightful. And kissable. Extremely kissable. Oh look, he's growling again.
So, about a certain previously-avoided kissable location...
He wasn't speaking at all, although, now that you mention it, it seems like a growl might be a positive addition to this situation.
It does make her body twitch and her toes curl. In fact, her feet even start rubbing against his body, her big toes tracing circles on his skin while she clamps her mouth shut.
Hmm... now seems like a good time to take a break and kiss other, less interesting locations for a while.
What, no—Okay. Be cool. She squirms a bit and also due to body rubbing notices that he is still wearing pants and this is unacceptable except there's nothing she can do about this. Ungh! Unf. Mm. Mmmm. Kisses!
...He's light enough that sitting on her doesn't help that much with keeping her in place, but perhaps it will serve as a suggestion. Also it makes it very convenient to pin her shoulders to the bed - that much he can do - and kiss her on the mouth, which he hasn't done in a while. Maybe there will even be a growl or two.
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Also yes.
(There is a fourth, which is too much clothing, but kisses and growling and moans and whimpers.)
He demonstrates his approval with more kisses and growling.