Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
Certainly. And we can come up with one together. But I truly believe we can do this. (If I didn't, I wouldn't have found all those explosions nearly so attractive.)
Should I stop talking? You seem upset and I can't tell what's going on or how to help.
I am upset because in spite of apparently being crap at plans I am somewhat imaginative and I'm thinking of all the ways I could have fucked up and also thinking of all the ways I haven't thought of that will cause me to fuck up.
Ah. Yes, I think I can help with that.
You're not in this alone. Anybody can be crap at plans by themselves. You didn't fuck up, and if you're careful you won't fuck up, and I am here to help, because I want to save the world and I think you're my best chance to succeed, and because I like you. And I'm sorry I indirectly called you an idiot. You're not. Failing to think of everything in time is the human condition, and also why it's important to have friends.
It's fine. I, too, wish I'd come here with a small army, or at minimum with both of my brothers. Both of my brothers and an artificing textbook, that would also have been nice.
And I admit that part of the reason I believe I can save the world is because if I didn't, I wouldn't be so eager to try. But the other part is that I do honestly think we can do this. If I didn't think we could do this, I would be figuring out why and trying to solve it, but the solution to the problems I already know about just looks like 'talk it over before we try anything'.
I am so thankful for the half hour of research which allows me to say: fuck the fucking Simurgh. We can leave her for last.
But once we take out the other two, maybe we can figure out how to do something about the Simurgh.
Maybe I should be saying this explicitly...
The problem with setting out to save the world is that you might instead die. I'm fine with that, but it's a decision I can only make for myself. I don't talk about it much because it's demoralizing to dwell on the consequences of failure, but if we're going to save the world together I should probably know your thoughts on the subject.
That's a risk here whenever we go out in costume. I don't have a very high life expectancy and I've made peace with that. Leviathan kills one in four capes on a good day, Behemoth is worse. You don't become a cape if you're not prepared to die.
Well, me neither. My family will be unhappy if I vanish into a strange world and then die trying to save it.