Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
I am learning so many things.
I guess I should clarify: when I say hypnosis is terrifying, I don't necessarily mean in a... bad way? It's not something I'm drawn to, but it's not inherently awful. It's just that to hypnotize someone seems like it would involve a lot of responsibility.
I'm not drawn to a lot of these things specifically but I'm very much drawn to the way you react when I bite you, for example.
Oh well there will probably be a lot of variations of that reaction specific to each item on that list.
Although maybe you should write this one, since I know I'm not spending any of my Ward money on anything that's not strictly related to saving the world, so if we're going to have any... materials available, you'll be the one getting them.
All right. I'll take care of saving the world, and you take care of our sex life. That seems fair.
Yes, but I'm the one in charge of designing the weapons you'll be producing, which means it completely makes sense for me to organize the world-saving and you to organize the sex.
I think we both should have a hand in organizing both things, especially because I am certainly not limiting myself to your weapons, especially when I'm out in costume without you! I'm thinking tinker guns. They look cool and sleek and fit my image.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your power, but it seems un-strategic for you to go out without a companion who knows what you're doing...?
Joking aside, I really don't mean to put myself permanently in charge of world-saving (or you permanently in charge of sex), but it does make sense to focus on my weapons first because they're easier to test. Using your conjured weapons to blow up your conjured targets, while very attractive, doesn't say much about your ability to blow up anything else; the thing about my weapons that makes them easy to test is that if I come up with a design that does staggering things to the ocean at pin size, we can expect it to inconvenience an Endbringer at cannon size.
If I go out with a companion who expects me to be able to do something, they don't need to know why I'm able to do it. Also there are some intricacies about other people's expectations and how they interact with my power when they don't know what I can do yet.
As for the rest: yeah, you're right, and of course testing against my stuff is not terribly useful when I know what to expect. And your weapons are super useful, at some point you need to tell me a lot more about them and your magic and a lot of stuff we didn't get to talk about yet in either of our dates.
I have more trouble than I'd like when I try to explain magic weapons to people from Earth. If I'd known a world would depend on the precision of my weapons design knowledge, I would've paid more attention when I had the chance. As it is, I'm mostly going off vague memories and hunches - but with you to help, I don't need to waste valuable materials on testing those hunches.
I don't really have the means of perfoming very delicate testing on this but there's something like a passive resistance that can be overcome, especially if I show up with something. I can't make something appear out of thin air if the other person is expecting me not to, but I can, say, take something from inside my bag that had previously not been there if they didn't see it, so if I show up with a weapon to a fight I expect people won't question it. That's the general gist of it, so even flying solo I'm not useless.
As for the magic: I cannot fathom this, how could you not want to understand how it worked and know all the details??? It's so cool!
...Sadde, what happens if you pull a shiny gun out of your pocket and no one present but you knows what it does?
(Also: I understand a lot more about magic weapons than most people, but the minimum age at which you're allowed to go to military school is seventeen, so I was about to start learning a lot more. Do you have a similar excuse for not being an electrical engineer?)
There is a delay. Then:
I hope you appreciate the half an hour I just spent researching English swearing, only to find that, now that I have the capacity, I have calmed down enough that I don't quite want to call you a fucking idiot anymore.
But seriously, I hope you would have thought that through more carefully before actually pulling out a belief-dependent Tinker gun in front of an unprepared audience.