Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
"Fine, if you object that strongly, I won't get you any messier than you need to be, next time."
Sleepy wet kiss. And a quick shower, yes? Hopefully? Why are there so many showers. This is too many showers. This evening has been a trainwreck of poor planning from start to finish.
It kinda has, but Sadde is both too sleepy and afterglowy to complain. However, yes, quick shower, just enough to clean up the extra mess (which was, due to constraints of biology, a smaller mess than either of the previous times).
Ashras naps. Actually he sleeps for a really long time by his usual standards. This still ends in him getting up in the middle of the night and leaving. (And then spending the next twelve hours on intensive study, taking another nap, and finalizing the design for the three-metal wand he had Sadde test, although he doesn't try to actually manufacture it because it's kind of the opposite of nonlethal and he doesn't want to get into a conversation about that with his superiors.)
Ashras naps. Actually he sleeps for a really long time by his usual standards. This still ends in him getting up in the middle of the night and leaving. (And then spending the next twelve hours on intensive study, taking another nap, and finalizing the design for the three-metal wand he had Sadde test, although he doesn't try to actually manufacture it because it's kind of the opposite of nonlethal and he doesn't want to get into a conversation about that with his superiors.)
And Sadde wakes up after way too little sleep and late to school, and he cannot bring himself to have negative feelings about this thing.
He gets an email in late afternoon, when Ashras is winding down today's weapons design session.
So that was fun, but I do actually want to do some weapons testing that doesn't immediately lead to sex. Thoughts?
Well, I don't get absurdly turned on by explosions, and in spite of yesterday I'm fairly certain I actually do have enough self-control to do some more testing before succumbing to your evil temptations.
How about you make a list of everything you want to test, and we only allow ourselves to be carried away after we've gone through it?
Seems reasonable. All right. When are you next free to go out on the ocean and explode things?