Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Good. That is what is supposed to happen. Ashras is glad he is succeeding in delighting Sadde.
Say, is Ashras by any chance trying to use those delightful hands to make Sadde need another shower?
Mmmmaybe. Maybe Sadde would like Ashras to continue doing that while kisses. Can Ashras do that while kisses?
Eeee kisses! Sharp kisses with an adorable hot boy with whom Sadde is going to save the world and then there'll be more makeouts and so much more things like that delightful hand and nnnnnnnnggghhhhhh ffffuuuuuck-
...well now Sadde will have to fix that. He suddenly twists their bodies so that he's on top of Ashras again, then kisses him and rubs his body against his. "You were saying?"
"You're going to have difficulty appreciating it if you fall asleep in the middle of our third shower tonight," snorts Ashras.
"You say that now." He accepts the help, gets up, and gives Sadde another kiss. "Then we're going to be in bed and you're going to challenge me to seduce you again, because neither of us has any self-control."
"What we lack in self-control, I have in exhaustion," he says, going back to the bathroom. "I think the next time you try to seduce me it's possible I'll end up falling asleep in the middle of it."