Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"...on the one hand I'm dead on my fee—butt. On the other, I am very much the stereotypical teenage boy."
Kisses seem like a good place to start. And Ashras has noticed Sadde is fond of his fangs.
Right, this probably won't work, but Ashras can at least try sitting on top of Sadde and pinning him down. He is small and light, but pretty strong. It might at least get Sadde to sit still enough that Ashras can kiss him some more without worrying about accidentally hurting him.
Sadde... kinda disagrees with Ashras' assessment on how well sharpness and bounciness combine. Accidentally getting hurt is part of the thrill, kinda. Not that being kinda-pinned down by Ashras isn't thrilling on its own. Sadde looks up at him with a tired grin.
Ashras grins and kisses him again. (They're going to save the world.) He's willing to get very nibbly when he doesn't expect it to end in someone bleeding.
And, hmm, kisses can be applied to varying locations, can't they? Like the jaw, or the side of the neck... Ashras is in an experimental mood. He would like to find out what effects he can have on Sadde.
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The effects are: noises, shudders, squirming (especially if he's still pinned down), and some interest.
Mm. Tasty nibbleable Sadde.
He gets more adventurous as he goes on. Like, biting. He could try biting. Not biting very hard or anything, but definitely more aggressive than a nibble. How does that work out?
Sadde may squirm and struggle a bit against Ashras but the noises he's generating are definitely pleased noises.
(Though he is noticeably kinda sleepy.)
And, hmm, okay, wandering hands, those are also a thing. That can wander to various places. The claws present certain logistical difficulties but, you know, Ashras has already had plenty of opportunity to figure out a solution to this problem. One finds ways to manage.
Well, yes, Sadde's enjoyment of sharpness only goes so far, and definitely not that far, so he's quite glad Ashras has already figured out how to deal with it. Look how glad he is, he's making such interesting noises!
Ooh, those are interesting noises. Very interesting noises indeed. Ashras is utterly delighted by them.