Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"I'm just not seeing any obvious ideas here that don't end in unpleasant things happening to my fur."
"Oh, well, I don't have a tail, I have no idea what it feels like so your word is the last here."
"...Could you have a tail, I wonder? You can change your shape one way already..."
"I could have an imaginary tail? It wouldn't really feel the same, I don't think, and I'm not sure at all I can expect to have a tail on the same deep visceral level I expect to be a girl or a boy."
"Huh. I suppose that makes sense... well, sort of. I couldn't expect myself to be a girl or expect myself to be Ceirene, so it's about equally mysterious to me whether you can do both of those things or just one of them."
He demonstrates his appreciation of Sadde's cuteness by kissing him.
"Wow, when we do save the world we'll probably have sex for three days straight," he giggles, reaching down with a somewhat targeted wandering hand.
"You're making me anticipate that moment even more than I already am," he says, and his other hand reaches around Ashras' body to a specific place and squeezes.
"We're going to save the world," Ashras says happily. This seems like a good reason to kiss Sadde, so he does that.
The squeezing hand reaches behind Ashras' head, fingers intertwining with hair as he returns the kiss, having some fun with the fangs. As for his other hand? That one's a bit busy.
Kissing Sadde is a very rewarding activity! What an excellent and kissable person Sadde is.
What a delightful and tasty person Ashras is! Sadde reaches behind himself, blindly feeling around his bedside table for something with his hand while not stopping the whole kissing thing going on to really pay full attention to that.
Reasonable. Kissing is important. Ashras likewise is mostly paying attention to kisses.
(Click here to skip the explicit content.)
Eventually he finds what he's looking for in the drawer, and shows it to Ashras, stopping the kissing to raise an eyebrow and gauge his reaction.
Ashras... may need more explanation than that, what with being from another planet and all.