Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
...well then.
Ashras is willing to experiment with this. Very carefully. He doesn't want to hurt Sadde, but the squirming is pretty great.
Ashras is willing to experiment with this. Very carefully. He doesn't want to hurt Sadde, but the squirming is pretty great.
Sadde vocally, if nonverbally, approves of this experimentation!
(There are other nonverbal signs of approval as well.)
(There are other nonverbal signs of approval as well.)
Now that is a very welcome development. Sadde would like to repay the kissing-in-more-places in kind.
Who indeed.
Pantsless makeouts on Sadde's bed are probably the best thing to have happened to him in at least the past few weeks.
Pantsless makeouts on Sadde's bed are probably the best thing to have happened to him in at least the past few weeks.
Sadde is great. Kissing Sadde is great.
So his opinion on fangs has been explored; what about claws?
So his opinion on fangs has been explored; what about claws?
Yay for great rewards!
Of course, the other nonverbal cues of appreciation are still available so maybe the noises aren't strictly necessary.
Of course, the other nonverbal cues of appreciation are still available so maybe the noises aren't strictly necessary.
That is good. It is good that things are going on and it is good that this results in noises.
It so does!
...eventually though Sadde will be wondering whether underwear could also maybe not be.
...eventually though Sadde will be wondering whether underwear could also maybe not be.