Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
Ashras successfully learns the words for a bunch of things one finds on the street between that Burger King and the Protectorate.
He walks up to the receptionist and says, "I'm a concerned citizen. A person with a tail appeared out of thin air in my room."
The receptionist looks at him funny when he starts, but nods when he finishes. "I see. Will you hold for a minute?"
Ashras, tail still covered by a cloak, observes this interaction without trying to interrupt.
"Baldwin," Sadde supplies. "Er, Sadde Baldwin. And he's Ashras."
...that does not seem to help them identify which of them could be the one with the tail.
"Can I take the cloak?" Sadde turns to the other boy to ask, gesturing at it.
...yep that's a tail. It's long and mobile and its sleek black fur is short and well-groomed. It flicks idly from side to side. Also, there are short sharp claws on the ends of his fingers, and his ears are long and pointed in an elflike fashion.
"He... kinda appeared in my room. Like, out of thin air. And he drew me a map of the place he's from, a world map, it's apparently not an Earth, even one like Earth Aleph, it was sorta confusing, and he told me he arrived here when a giant snake attacked him. He also can't speak English. I thought he was a Case—er..." Oops.
"A Case 53," the woman—there's a nametag on her suit with 'Emily Piggot—ENE PRT Director' written on it—completes. "They're not a secret, although not many know the PRT term."
"Um. I've done a lot of research on capes."
"So it would seem."
Director Piggot finally turns her attention to the other boy. "So you can't understand a word we're saying."
"I told you he can't—" He shuts up when she gives him a look.
He blinks at her and says something in an unfamiliar language, very much with the expression of somebody who can't understand a word she's saying.
What? Harmless? I'm gonna shove that halberd where the sun don't shine and you'll see who's-
"Well, we thank you for bringing this situation to our attention. We will help Mr. Ashras to the best of our ability."
"That will depend entirely on his own wishes on the subject and what solution we work out for his altered appearance," she says.
"Right. Right. Can I leave an email or—" She wordlessly passes him pen and paper, which he accepts, writing his email address and phone number on it. "Okay. So, uh, bye for now, I suppose," he tells Ashras, extending a hand to shake.
Apparently Ashras's culture has a close-enough equivalent to handshakes; he clasps Sadde's hand and then lets go, smiling. (Hint of fang.)
He repeats their names and adds an incomprehensible phrase that's probably some sort of 'nice to meet you'-like courtesy.
And after a few minutes, he appears, wearing his costume and all. "You called, Ma'am?"
"Yes. Ashras, this is Dauntless," she introduces, gesturing at him.
"He appeared out of thin air in a young man's room and doesn't speak any English. He's also apparently from a world that's not quite an Earth. I would like you to show him one of our permanent quarters."
"No problem. Ashras, wanna come with me?" he asks, gesturing invitingly.
Piggot gives Dauntless a temporary keycard, which he hands to Ashras and shows how to use as he guides him to a room. It has a single bed, a desk, a table, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. Not terribly luxurious, but still pretty neat.
Dauntless goes to the desk, where a pad of paper, a pen, and a telephone are available. He writes his phone number on the top sheet, writes his name, points at it and repeats it so Ashras will associate name and person, then dials his own number on the phone, offering it to Ashras after showing him how to hold it.
...Okay... Ashras is willing to be shown the functions of this incomprehensible object.