Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"Fair enough," she giggles. "Don't you have physics, there? Chemistry? Like, the sciences, not the phenomena. Don't people try to... figure things out?"
"Sure we do. We just haven't been getting the same kind of results, and it's not quite so... systematized."
It is their first date. And Ashras seems pretty content with the kisses. Kisses are great. Sadde is great. Lots of things are great right now.
(Except for the fact that someone knows her secret now.)
(...she should probably stop thinking about that and focus on kissing the cute boy.)
The boy is very cute. And kissable. And enthusiastic about Sadde and the kissing thereof.
That's good because Sadde is managing to stop thinking about that and is starting to pay the enthusiasm in kind.
Shirt rumpling is totally fine with Ashras. Look how fine he is with the rumpling of his shirt.
(...she should not get carried away.)
"I find myself wondering how much cultural difference there is between dates here and in Aluvanna."
"The basic idea of 'spend time with a person, possibly in a public place, possibly involving food or some form of entertainment', seems to be about the same... there are a bunch of varying customs depending on where exactly you live."
"Oh, I don't know, some moms tell their children that they shouldn't kiss on their first date."