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Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
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Sigh. Sit on bed.

"That's a dangerous secret to have," he says. "...But the possibilities... how much do you know about how it works? Actually, forget all that for a second, how precisely can you conjure things? Because I was already thinking of testing whether you can conjure me magic weapons, now imagine conjuring me magic weapons and using successes in that area to convince audiences of your destructive potential. In the face of that vision, an Endbringer looks about as threatening as a giant bat."


She looks up at him, but doesn't say anything. She is... clearly much less comfortable than she was a minute ago.


"...What? Look, I - I'm sorry I figured it out, I guess, sort of, but I don't know how to unlearn the knowledge and I'm pretty sure I do know how to use it to save the world."


Another sigh. "Well. You know. I'm not saying I don't trust you, but I kinda am? We've only just met? This is our first date? Wow I'm sounding like such a butthole right now..."


"If it helps, I'm pretty sure over the course of that date I told you all of my major secrets. But then, mine aren't secret for nearly so good a reason."


"...yeah. It's just, wow, I haven't even gone out in costume yet and someone has ultimate blackmail material on me already. And I'm really attracted to you and you sound nice and well-meaning and all that, but I don't know how much of that is my ladyboner talking."


"...I'm torn between sympathy and wanting to get out there and start aggressively trying to save the world with you right now." He resorts to his first language to mutter something in the tone of an awed curse.


She giggles in spite of herself. "I'm pretty sure 'aggressively' is not the best way to save the world. And what did you say there?"


"It doesn't seem to translate well, but uh, 'crash the sun'. An expression which in practice means something like... 'something extravagant has happened and I'm not sure I can cope'. If I wanted to get the feeling across in English I'd probably need an obscenity or two."


"Why don't you try it anyway?"




"Never mind," she laughs. "Ugh. Fine. You have ultimate blackmail on me, now. I don't think there's anything I can do about that, whether I trust you or not, so I just will."


"I will endeavour to be as trustworthy as possible. Want to save the world with me? Aggressively or otherwise?"


Giggle. "How can a girl resist when you ask it like that?"


"Great. Care to test whether you can make me magic weapons I can use?"


Sigh. Shrug. Nod. "What are they like?"


"In their most effective form, metal rods engraved in specific patterns. For testing purposes, let's say... a flat-ended gold pin about this long," he holds his fingertips two inches apart, "with six straight evenly spaced grooves running from one end to the other, one circular groove dividing the length in half, and another circular groove dividing one half in half again. Is that enough of a description to be going on with?"


It is! She's holding one of those now.


"All right, now let's see if it works for me." He holds out his hand for it.


She gives it to him, watching to see what it does.

Ashras deliberately sets up his expectations, believing that this is a completely ordinary small golden rod made according to the specifications for a light pin, but disbelieving that it will work when he tries it. For the strongest possible test.

When he takes the pin, he can feel its energy field. He assures himself that this completely ordinary small golden rod is somehow totally magically inert, and activates the field.

The pin projects a narrow beam of yellowish white light, which he flicks all around the room, grinning. At this intensity it couldn't possibly cause damage unless he decided to shine it directly in someone's eye.

"So that worked," he says. "How big can you conjure? Well - how big have you tried?"

"I haven't tried to conjure a freighter boat... What did you just do, there?"


"Fired a light-pin and confirmed a very useful theory. Magic weapons don't actually have magic inherently, or at least as far as anyone can tell they don't, they just act as a channel for it. All the magical properties of a magic weapon can be completely predicted by its physical composition and structure. Which means that magic weapons you conjure for me work independently of expectations as long as the thing itself is made of the right stuff in the right shape. Are you excited about this prospect? Because I am very excited about this prospect."


"I'm not as excited as you because I don't know as much as you about your magic, and you'll have to tell me more about it because it's completely unlike any other power here, but I'm excited that you're excited. You being excited is exciting."

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