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Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
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He waits until he's very sure of his aim, and then—

A translucent blue-white bolt flashes through the air with a quiet little 'fwm' sound and hits Stormtiger dead-on, enveloping his body in a brief wash of blue-white light. He crumples.
Sokoreth can hear a bizarre sound that lasts a fraction of a second just as Stormtiger's hit, and Cricket whirls on the spot then, looking directly at the heroes. One of the women screams when the wind of Stormtiger's blade is released pushes her and the other one back onto the ground.

Cricket says something, and she and Krieg abandon their victims without a second thought, winding through the alleyways without line of sight to them. The bizarre sound pulses every few seconds.

"They're coming here. Titania, get me down, I'm more vulnerable than you two up here."

"Cricket is making some sort of - ugh - absolutely horrible sound every few seconds," Sokoreth reports, wincing.


Meanwhile, Titania scoops up Dauntless again. Her lacy metal wing-fins spread out and rotate slightly, automatically adjusting for the new weight distribution before they fire their jets to take her into the air.


Dauntless is lowered onto the ground, and the sounds get progressively (and very quickly) closer.


"Ugh, that's awful - Titania, if you don't mind, I would like to use you as a flying vehicle," says Ashras.


"Happy to oblige," she says, zipping back up to scoop him off the roof.


He can't draw his force staff easily this way, but he can hold a stun wand in one hand and a force wand in the other. "Over there!"


Over there indeed! Dauntless prepares for their arrival, which will take a bit still. Krieg is kicking the ground and jumping in leaps and bounds, and the fact that Cricket doesn't have superspeed is merely a technicality, her movements are efficient enough and she's fit enough that she could almost be said to.


Sokoreth's aim is very good but not literally superhuman; he can't hit a moving target as easily as he downed Stormtiger. He tosses a few stun bolts and off-hand force blasts at Cricket just to slow her down, but mostly focuses on trying to hit Krieg in the air, when his trajectory is most predictable.

Krieg is almost hit in the air once, and changes the way he moves to include less leaps and more dashes, keeping close enough to the ground that he can zig zag less predictably.

And they're upon Dauntless, who uses his boots for enhanced mobility and his Arclance to try to hit Cricket. She moves too quickly, however, and if she can't actually reach him, she dodges all his jabs.

Krieg finds a likely dumpster and kicks it up into the air, toward the flying heroes.
Sokoreth force-blasts the dumpster as Titania jinks to the side to get out of its way; thanks to their combined efforts, it misses, sailing past with a basketball-sized dent in its side. He resumes aiming stun bolts at Krieg and occasionally Cricket, although her dodging abilities pretty blatantly outclass his aim and the best he can do is make it slightly more inconvenient for her to dance around Dauntless.

This is annoying. He is annoyed.

Krieg decides Dauntless is a better target for his efforts at the same time Dauntless decides the same about him. The villain kicks another dumpster towards the hero, who raises a small forcefield around himself to defend against it.

Cricket stops, glares at him, and the pulse—


—and is replaced by a pretty annoying sound. Which probably only Sokoreth can properly hear. "One of them is causing some sort of mental effect," Dauntless says into the comm.


"Augh!" exclaims Sokoreth. This is much worse than the squeaky pulses, which were already pretty horrible.


"Urgh," says Titania. Her wings, being Tinker artifacts, don't wobble, but she's feeling pretty wobbly herself all of a sudden.


Screw it. Sokoreth focuses his aim on Cricket, the source of the godawful sound.


The source of the godawful sound continues sounding, watching Dauntless and moving around to dodge Sokoreth's blasts. Dauntless' knees buckle, and so do Krieg's, but the villain has had the presence of mind to hide around a corner while that happens, covering his ears and using earplugs he's apparently brought exactly for one such situation, so he's marginally less affected by it than the other two heroes. Cricket watches Dauntless intently, waiting for him to drop his shield.


However these Earth folk are reacting, it's differently than Ashras. Aluvai ears, maybe? Whatever. It's putting them out of commission and it is not doing the same to him. He jams his off-hand force wand back in its slot so he can pull a second stun wand and shoot at Cricket twice as fast. Is overwhelming her with a barrage of stun bolts going to work? Yes? Please?

Nope! Dodge dodge dodge noise noise noise.

"Velocity, will you be here soon?" Dauntless asks.

"Two minutes!"

"We don't have two minutes!"

Growling under his breath, Sokoreth takes more careful aim. Can he at least drive Cricket away from his vulnerable teammate, if he applies his barrage of stun bolts more carefully?

Hmm, yes, yes he can do that thing.

His teammate is on all fours, now, breathing heavily.
A little farther... a little farther...

He holsters his right-hand stun wand and pulls the copper lightning wand instead, as fast as he can, throwing another stun bolt from the wand in his off hand to deny her any chance to approach Dauntless while he's changing weapons.

As soon as he has the weapon in his hand, barely bothering to aim—you don't really aim lightning—he fires. A thin violet-white bolt arcs out, snapping directly to Cricket, the tallest object in its broad targeting area. Ashras is briefly blinded by the flash of light.

Dauntless looks up when he's not feeling absurdly horrible anymore. Cricket is lying prone on the ground, and Krieg has apparently left the scene at some point, probably when his teammate was downed. "We need a PRT truck here, Cricket's down."

"Can I land?" says Titania, her eyes scrunched shut, barely hanging onto Sokoreth. "I would like to land."


"Fine by me."

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