Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"So what exactly is your power?" asks Miss Militia.
He pulls out the fire pin yet again.
"This is a fire pin. It's the smallest possible magic weapon and it's pretty much just a lighter." He demonstrates how it makes fire. "If it was as tall as you are and correspondingly bigger around, it could throw a fireball that would put a hole in the wall. If it was a lot bigger than that, it could put a hole clear through the building. Fire weapons are made of steel; brass does force blasts, copper does lightning, silver does stun bolts. There's more, but I'm not an expert, I can only build the designs I personally remember."
"Apparently everyone can do it where he's from, and it's been around forever," Dauntless answers.
"It's honestly a bit weird," he says. "I mean - imagine being transported to a planet where no humans are able to, I don't know, dance."
"Anyone can use a magic weapon. Genuine combat casters, who can do the magic without the weapons themselves, are a little rarer."
"I was attacked by a giant snake - not unusual, where I live - and then suddenly I was on another planet, which is very unusual indeed."
"They're just animals," he shrugs. "They do sometimes try to eat people, especially people who are in the wilderness alone, but they're not that hard to deal with."
Echo is looking at him like he's speaking some alien language and also has a horn where his nose should be.
"I tried and couldn't," shrugs Dauntless.
"You're all welcome to try lighting my fire pin if you want," says Ashras. "Normally it only takes a few tries to learn how. But it seems like people from this world just can't."
"Hold this end, and try to make it light up. It's hard to explain how to do it, and it's usually not necessary; most people figure it out after only a few tries. It sort of... feels like squeezing an invisible aura around the pin."
"Yeah, it looks like people from this world just can't use magic weapons," says Ashras.