Sadde is home; it's a Friday evening, his shift is over, and there's no school. He's reading a book, lying on his bed in his small-but-tidy apartment.
He is also quite naked, because it's his place and why not?
"The Irish faerie, for example, the Aos Sí," she says, pronouncing 'Ace Shee.' "The Japanese neko tend to have cat-like ears as well as the tail, but it could fit. They have certain cultural associations that probably would not be to your advantage. Never mind that," she says, waving a hand dismissively.
He's been rather scattershot about mealtimes and has not, until now, actually met any teammate other than Dauntless; is somebody going to introduce him to the rest?
Not all the grown-ups are there, but Armsmaster, Nearby, Miss Militia, Fallacious, Velocity, and Chevalier are. Chevalier is the adults' Team Captain.
Armsmaster acknowledges Ashras with a nod, but is engrossed in conversation with Fallacious. Nearby smiles warmly at him, as does Miss Militia.
Dauntless gestures at the seat between himself and Leap. "Did you get a cape name, or are you keeping Ashras?"
"Sokoreth. It means 'battle wizard', essentially. I thought it would be weird if I went around using my personal name as my cape name when hardly anyone else does."
"While I'm here, does anyone feel like helping me with a project? I need to produce some magic weapons and I don't at all know where to start. Ideally I want at least a brass staff and a silver wand, engraved according to specifications, but if that's not possible I can make do with wooden versions wrapped in wire. Actual brass and silver do have to be involved, though."
"Her power is being able to copy and understand any manual or physical skills she sees, perfectly," Dauntless supplies.
"That's... an interesting power to have. I'm not sure how much help it'll be, but you're free to watch me make my force staff and stun wand if you want."