Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"In your position I would not prevent my own rescue," Thorn remarks.

Promise says, "What steps would accomplish that goal?"

"Collecting the names of my major vassals, having Rainfall deactivate the noise traps and me cut off interfering actions from the other top sorcerers, and not making any mistakes."

"Must whatever-it-is you need to do to cut off interfering actions from the other top sorcerers be done by you, personally?"

"Only if you want it to work," says Thorn.

"They're probably authorized to interfere arbitrarily with anyone else who shows up and probably have deadman switch setups," mutters Promise.

"Yeah, I'd expected so, was just checking. Well, Thorn and his people are only a few minutes late, we should probably start taking those steps. I think micromanaging him isn't likely to be very helpful, though, we should probably give him a more general order like 'do whatever needs to be done in order to ensure Promise and I have full control et cetera et cetera'?"


"Pluses and minuses to micromanagement. Depends on how likely we are to make a mistake that matters."


"We could start with a blanket general order and abuse stuff like 'sincerely' and 'best up-to-date model' on it and then give other orders as needed?"


"I think if he gets half a chance he'll find a way to startle us and make you say something stupid."


"Is that an argument for or against micromanaging? And besides, you can man the console and give him orders, I am not about to let pride get in the way of actually succeeding."


"For, if you can do well enough when not startled to prevent him from startling you; against if you can't."


"I'm pretty sure I can, unless what you have in mind when you say 'startle' is significantly different than what I do. And maybe we should get Thorn's entourage moving again and discuss while they do it, there are still a few hours before they'd arrive, and as far as all other courts know everything's fine."


Promise nods. She speaks into the mic, crisp elaborately airtight sentences. The fairies get up into the air again.


"And while we're at it, please give us the names of all your major vassals." Once again, the 'please' is merely decorative. "And tell us where Rainfall is."

Thorn rattles off names.

"Expand the definition of 'major'," Promise says, after counting them on her fingers.

Thorn grits out a few more names and Rainfall's location.

"What should our immediate next step be to accomplish our ostensive plan with respect to you, your court, and your vassals according to your sincere best up-to-date model of the world?"

"Asking a question like that one," says Thorn, "in a way that doesn't entitle me to answer like this."

Promise groans. "Describe a plan which you sincerely expect is the most likely of plans you might invent to be effective by our lights at our goals without inconvenience to us."

Thorn doesn't have a snappy comeback for that one.

"Always answer questions directed at you by Promise or me according to your sincere best up-to-date model of their spirit as intended by their composer. Never lie to us, mislead us, or omit facts which you sincerely according to your best up-to-date model of us believe we would find relevant when giving us any information, prioritising things by how urgent they are."


Thorn is silent. Promise barks back the orders outlined in his plan at him. Fairies fly on.


"This somehow fails to be reassuring, relieving, soothing, or in any way not nerve-wracking," he comments.


"Yep. It is possible you should not deliver him orders," Promise sighs. "You really aren't very good at it."


"Like I said, I will not let my pride stand in the way of this being successful, my comparative advantage is not rule-lawyering."


Nod. "You're better at it than Yellow and Verve's hostile, so if I wind up asleep or something while something urgent happens you should do it rather than delegating, but I'll handle it while I'm available."


"Well, given that when this started I was apparently worse at it than Yellow, I'll take that as a win."


"I didn't coach Yellow," Promise says.


"Yeah, you're a good coach."

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