She's a four-year-old girl, and people (especially her Dad) insist she's a boy.
Not that she isn't sometimes. She is. But not today! Today she's a girl. And Dad keeps saying that's not true, that God made her body perfect and she shouldn't second-guess God's plan for her. God made her a boy, so she's supposed to be a boy. And on the one hand that kinda makes sense. God doesn't make mistakes, right? So if she were really a girl sometimes, then she'd... what? Her body would change, she guesses. But on the other hand, she knows she's a girl. She's a girl with a peepee, that's obvious. She'd prefer not having a peepee when she's a girl, but it's not the worst thing ever. And if God doesn't make mistakes, God also didn't make her feel like a girl sometimes on accident, right? It must be part of His (because God is always a He, even though God made everyone, boys and girls, in His image, he's always a He, Dad says) plan.
She tells Dad that, today, and Dad gets angry, and yells at her, and she doesn't know why he's yelling. It makes sense to her! But he won't explain why she's wrong, he's just yelling, Dad's so mean, she hates him, and she's not crying, shut up, you're crying!
And now Mum's coming and she's talking to Dad, and that usually makes Dad stop yelling and go away but he won't stop now and Sadde's angry and afraid and hurt and she's running away. A part of her thinks that it doesn't make much sense to run away, the park is pretty open and she can't really hide anywhere, and she'll have to go back because she'll get hungry (not now, though, she just ate a sandwich).
So she runs until she finds some bushes where she can hide, and she hides there, and she doesn't cry, and she spends a long time not crying. Mum and Dad don't come after her, though, and after she's done not crying she doesn't wipe her eyes and her nose, and she comes out the other way of the bushes she was hiding in.
And she's pretty sure that's not the park.
"Well, yes, presumably one of you would do it while invisible. And we still need to figure out how exactly we'll capture our first vassal and how that'll fail and so on so forth so we can know where to put that gate anyway."
"I'm thinking we might nab one of the lower-ranked fairies when they're not around powerful sorcerers, as a first step in the ladder."
"But on the other hand more powerful sorcerers are more likely to give us trouble... Well, I suppose you can order them well enough."
"...right. Do you know how the internal dynamics of his courts work? You mentioned ranks aren't set in stone and stuff, there might be some sweet spot of rank and accessibility, someone who's high enough to give us access to a place where we can trap Thorn but low enough that we'll be able to properly capture them if we need to."
"Nothing comes to mind. Like - anyone could be sent to the torturers if Thorn didn't want to attend to them personally, but the torturers don't get to go around ordering anyone around and it would be obvious if one were wandering outside their rooms, and they know some names but other people are just ordered to obey them. They're hard to rank; they have a fair number of names but few privileges in using them."
"Depended on what he was trying to get me broken in. At most I'd be allowed to go to the court library and study, or do sorcery he wanted done."
"But you didn't get to see the social dynamics? Who came and who went, how often, who did what, should I stop asking questions?"
"I heard things. I saw some things. I was his project, he didn't keep me in a cupboard. But I don't know as much as a more cooperative vassal would have picked up."
"Okay, so, what can you tell me about power and stuff in there? How many people would usually stay around the court, how many were permanent—do people travel often between courts? That would maybe be a prime situation to capture someone."
"There's regular messengers, delivering things and information. You could get one of those, maybe, they travel alone... They're not good sources of names but they can move around pretty freely."
"Yes. I mean, maybe not right now, if Thorn's being paranoid about you based on your mother's information."
"I... don't know if my mother would necessarily presume I'd try to capture a messenger, but having messengers go here and there all on their lonesome by default... Are the paths between his courts warded? Because even if he sends more fairies it's probably possible to overwhelm them there."
"They don't travel along roads, and they're fast," she says. "The paths aren't warded, they just usually don't have to worry about an ambush - they're not on a predictable schedule and it's genuinely very rare for a food claim on a fairy to get anywhere - half the reason he wanted me is that leaflets get strong food claims on our trees - and they're forbidden to break under torture."
"But mortal food claims are something else entirely, we should probably assume he'll have strengthened his security there."
"Right. So they may be in pairs or with escorts, or armored, or traveling invisibly, or under heavy ward, and probably moving less often."
"Of these, armoured and under heavy ward are the biggest problems. Armour... I'm pretty sure we can deal with that, I think I've made it pretty clear that mortals are much better at destruction than varies in general, but wards are more your area of expertise than mine."
"There aren't any flawless wards, you can batter any of them down, but it'll give them a chance to react."
"But I mean, what sorts of wards could there be, what kind of battering would we need, etc. A special bullet could cut through armour easily, I'm not as sure about wards."
"I don't know what bullets can or can't do. By default the factor is time and not force, though."
"Bullets can be made to go through almost arbitrary materials, depending on thickness, can be made to explode on impact, that sort of thing. But basically what I want to know is: I set up a trap that detects invisible fairies and shoots them with something to vassalise them. How does the ward make that go wrong? And I realise there are many possible wards, but if there are general kinds and stuff..."