Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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She grins as she lets herself be tied up. "Which form of incentive is that supposed to be?" she wonders. And, of course, the fingernails cause more shivering and noises and certain other visible effects on her body.


"Oh, either one. I'm curious which way you'll jump." Bite. "I can be patient if you can. It's not like the non-begging noises you make aren't delicious."


She bites her lower lip. "It's definitely incentive to try to win. Or, well, take longer to lose."

"We'll see if you still think that while I'm counting down minutes." She glances at the clock. "It's a quarter after, now..."

And Isabella proceeds to be very patient. Patient and nibbly. Patient, nibbly, and dexterous.

Sadde's patient, too, but of course this game's outcome's overdetermined in Isabella's favor. Sadde spends twenty-eight minutes writhing and squirming and whimpering and moaning before she gives in and calls, "Oh please, ma'am-" She purses her lips immediately, but then it's too late.


"That," says Isabella, "was twenty-eight minutes." Nibble. "D'you suppose in the next twenty-eight minutes you'll regret taking that long...?" Bite.


"I think—oh yes- that regret will not be something I'll be feeling."

"It's true that I intend that you not have terribly much room to think."

Isabella proceeds to be very distracting. With occasional glances at the clock. And a laser-intensity focus on getting twenty-eight solid minutes of helpless begging out of her pet.

And Sadde proceeds to be very distracted, and the only reason they're not twenty-eight solid minutes of helpless begging is that sometimes Sadde's too far gone for actual words.

That is an acceptable reason for a break.

After twenty eight merciless minutes exactly Isabella declares the game and all its bonus material won and abandons self-restraint.

Yep, Sadde was correct, there is absolutely zero regret here, and of course the anticipation just makes everything better, so she may be somewhat louder than usual today.


Well, then Isabella will have to kiss her. Can't have the neighbors pounding on the door to complain, not right now.


Isabella will succeed at reducing the noise level to within acceptable parameters.


Good. Delicious kisses.


So many of those!


The rest of the evening proceeds without further games per se. But probably a lot of noises for Isabella to muffle.


Yes, lots of those as well, and of course the very fact of having to be muffled by Isabella intensifies the noises.


Isabella herself is eloquent with the nonverbals when the situation calls for it but not given to screaming-level volume, so it's all right that Sadde is much too tied up to muffle her.


Sadde is perfectly okay with this situation, as she may have expressed multiple times in multiple but somewhat related ways.

Good. It is important that Sadde be okay with everything that is going on.

It is also important that Sadde eventually be untied for snuggles and kisses.
Snuggles and kisses are the best part.

...well not really, she's not sure she can actually rank the parts, but this is in fact a very good part. Snuggle!

Snuggles and pettings and kisses. All three.

Hmm, yes, all of those. Best dom.

Mmm. Yaaaawn. Snuggle.



"Mmhm," she mumbles into Isabella's skin.

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