Sadde knocks on Isabella's door at 7PM sharp.
Isabella's up and dressed; the door's open. "What was up with that, lovely?"
She closes the door behind her, sighs, and leans against it. "Jackson's dom hurt him, they don't have a safeword and he says that if he says 'stop' his dom will just keep punishing him."
"Do they explicitly not have a safeword or is the default just literally 'safeword' but it never came up?"
"From what I gathered Jackson doesn't have a way to actually get his dom to stop if he wants him to."
"How confident are you that this isn't just Jackson having some sort of 'tough it out' ethos."
"He actually said—what were his words... He said he wants it to be real, not some game he can call time out on. And, he knocked here because he wanted to see if I could heal him."
"I'm not sure this is cause for panic. I mean, it could be, but as long as Jackson could move under his own power it wasn't irresponsible of his dom to let him go - Jackson could choose to go to the health center - and if Jackson is the one who 'wants it to be real' then it could be that his dom would drop the toys instantly on hearing 'safeword' and Jackson just hasn't tried it and there's a communication error there."
She sighs. "Yeah, I suppose. But not being irresponsible is not the same as being... nice."
"...Realistically, pet, a decent fraction of the doms in the world aren't nice, and the ones who are can typically afford to have higher standards than 'Jackson'. Does Jackson think it's better than nothing?"
...and something occurs to Sadde. Hmm. She'll be looking around for the rest of breakfast to see if Jackson'll show up.
Yeah, she didn't expect him to. "I think I'm gonna go bring Jackson some food before going to class, he said he'd cut his today, it'd be in character for him to also not come eat."
She leans into the petting and says, "I love you." Then she gets up and goes grab more food.