Sadde knocks on Isabella's door at 7PM sharp.
"If Alex ever goes gooey-eyed over a dom I promise you can question him then."
"I went by Bella when I was a kid. I figure Isabella sounds dommier but Alex and our parents still call me that."
"Do you prefer me not thinking you're adorable, ma'am? Because that ship has sailed."
"I know, lovely. But it's still a little embarrassing that Charlie calls me 'Bells'."
"Well, I don't think so, and I'll still call you 'ma'am' and 'Isabella.'"
"Oh, yeah, she doesn't think the name's silly, she thinks it's silly to change what people call you to 'sound dommy', but she's a switch, so."
"I'm a switch and I don't think it's any sillier than any other reason to change what people call you."
"Are you just Alex or Alexander or something? Alexander does sound much dommier," he laughs.