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Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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She's a little less patient this time. Still thorough though.

And then she has him roll back over again.

But she doesn't finish the entire anterior re-mapping. She pauses because she is wearing clothes and has decided to stop.

Oh heavens. The noises have stopped because his brain is too busy processing what he's seeing.

He can look.

And then he can be lain on and kissed.

And he can return the kiss with as much force as he can while still struggling to pretend he's tied up. He's also very slightly taller as a boy than as a girl, so their bodies mesh a little bit differently.

So much fun variety to play with.

Kiss kiss kiss. You could describe what she's doing as "wriggling".

Wriggling causes lots of reactions. The noises are most certainly back, but well, different anatomy means different reactions, as has been determined.


He's not having too much fun, is he? It is not yet time for him to have quite that much fun. Not until she says so.


Nope. Not that much fun. Maybe. Probably. Well, if it starts looking like too much fun she can always stop for a bit to let him cool down. Or tell him to cool down. That might work, too.

She'll stop if she has to. She's not done with him yet.

She's not going to be done with him for a while.

After all, turn-taking is an important skill...

Yes, ma'am. Her pet would definitely like to take a turn, too, and turns out to be pretty eager to learn if she tells him what to do.


If there is one thing that is definitely happening here it is Isabella being willing to tell Sadde what to do.


Good! That means Sadde will be able to please her exactly like she wants to be pleased.


And if there are two things that are definitely happening here the second one is that Isabella can be very generous with praise in certain moods.


And Sadde doesn't blush but he squirms and makes happy noises and continues doing the thing that prompted praise.

Good. Very good. Sadde gets more praise.

And rewards.

(But not too many rewards, because presumably he is not good for three of them in this shape.)

That is completely fine by him. Completely. Even the part where he's not being rewarded because Isabella.

Isabella indeed!

And while she has not done any particularly exciting shopping, you can get condoms at the same stores that sell pound cake and strawberries and chocolate.

Well. Sadde is tied up. She might need to help him with those.

Yep. She's pretty sure she's got the general idea figured out.

On it goes.

On she goes.

There's more swearing and more deities and more "Isabella."

And: "Control yourself, pet. I will tell you when I'm done."

It is not yet.
He whimpers but nods, and does his best.

He may have spent some time preparing for this eventuality.

"Good boy." Good boys get kisses.


"Thank you, ma'am." And he kisses back.


Eventually, in a shaky but still firmly authoritative voice:

"Now, lovely."
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