Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"There's most certainly still golems around - you can feel them tromping around below you if you go into the dungeon. But the door leading to the next level is guarded by an iron golem, which is above our pay grade. We've lost a lot of good dwarves to that bastard."
"Alsigard. He's probably still down there; they say he wanted to seclude himself from the distractions of the world outside, so he's not likely to have left."
"Not that we've noticed. But would a man who locked himself at the bottom of a golem-filled dungeon to avoid distractions want to personally deal with every looter who wanders in?"
"I guess maybe not! Well. Can you tell us anything about how the iron golem's programmed?"
"It kills people. And it shouts 'Las Zand' while it does it, no idea what that means."
(Deekin writes this down.)
"It wants to protect the door more than it wants to kill you - but there's a turn to navigate before you come to it, so your archer can't just plink at it from fifty feet away."
"Damn, that's my favorite trick," Garrus says.
"It went for our healers first," the duergar continues. "That was when we ran, so there's not much more we can tell you."
"Sure - Rego, show the lady your map."
One of the other duergar, presumably Rego, shows her a map. The first floor is arranged in a large rectangle, with rooms coming off the side and one large chamber in the middle. The outer rooms all have Xes through them; the center room does not. "X means we plundered it," Rego clarifies. "Middle room didn't have anything but this weird box built into the floor with buttons on it."
He points to a spot on the map to the upper left with a little staircase symbol. "That's the iron golem. And the way down."
"Weird boxes with buttons just totally make my day, yeah-huh." She sounds mostly annoyed. "Thanks so much for the intel, guys."
"Welcome. Feel free to get rid of that golem for us."
They approach the building leading into the dungeon.
"'Las Zand' draconic for '81'," Deekin mentions once they're out of duergar earshot. "Deekin not sure how relevant, but maybe good to know."
"Eighty-one? Yeah, no idea. Don't speak a lick of Toril Draconic so if it says anything else I guess tell us what."
Deekin nods in the affirmative.
As the duergar mentioned, the first floor has been cleared and picked clean, but the vibration of golem footsteps reverberates from the floor below.
"Loud, aren't they. Hey, I didn't actually think golems could talk, we could try shouting at this one around the corner? Or is it normal for them to talk a little on this planet."
"Not normal, but if golem only says one thing then not that weird? Deekin could make rock that says 'Las Zand' over and over with Ghost Sound, if Deekin knew crafting. Same deal with golem probably. Can shout at golem anyway, though!"
"Let's give it a shot, can't hurt. Well, it can cost us a couple seconds of having our buffs run down, but."
"No significant cost," Deekin agrees. "We checking out weird box? Belmarniss not seem to like idea of checking out weird box."
"I assume we have to check out the weird box but I admit I am suspicious as fuck of the weird box."
"Theoretically we could just kill the golem and go downstairs. No box required. But I'm inclined to check it out."