Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"Might as well, if you've got that spell that makes us not have to sleep. I bought a couple of books that I'm pretty interested to start."
And so they stay up for eight hours. Garrus reads, Deekin writes, Jojo meditates.
Belmarniss reads some. But also remembers to pray since that's a thing she does now.
Hi Eilistraee. You still seem cool and that's a record for any new deity I hear about. Not sure why the emphasis on living on the surface. It's fine and you can't beat the food but there's this huge sky fireball situation. Seems minor though.
I killed some people today as on many other days.
I'm not gonna be done till they're all okay.
That's legit, it's not like Belmarniss urgently needed a chat. She reads her book (it's the scripture, so she's up on this religion she has now).
It describes the dogma, which accords with what Nathyrra told her. It describes the fall of the Dark Seldarine, the local drow pantheon; Eilistraee, despite not having participated in their rebellion against the other gods, decided to go with them, expecting that the drow would need someone who wasn't gratuitously evil to give them some hope. Then there's some stuff about things Eilistraee has done - much of it is foiling various unpleasant-sounding plots by her mother Lolth, but she also acts as a sort of auxiliary participant in the decisions of the surface gods, since she was never technically banished with the rest of the Dark Seldarine. Apparently there was an incident a few decades ago wherein the gods were all incarnated as mortals as part of a punishment from the Overgod, Ao, and during this incident Eilistraee rolled up her sleeves and rescued a bunch of drow from persecution despite no longer having her divine powers. It was after being re-empowered that she started requesting her idiosyncratic prayers, because she realized that she had grown out of touch with the needs of her constituents.
Belmarniss is not sure "I want to be friends with her" is the same emotion as "religious devotion" but it's going to have to do.
After the eight-hour duration of Keep Watch finishes, it's time for them to visit the docks and head to the island of the golems.
There's a hooded figure standing on the dock. He turns to look at the party as they approach. "Greetings. Have you come to traverse the Dark Sea, adventurers?"
The figure emits a hissing laugh. "Then you have come to the right place."
He ushers them onto the boat, which begins, without any apparent input, to float away from the dock.
There are eyeless white fish, various squid, and at one point, an enormous shark.
She detects poison just to be sure, then zaps a less-than-five-pounds-looking fish with a bolt and mage hands it up. Does it again a couple times since the bolts are useless for anything serious and there are several party members to feed.
Fish is had! The Boatman doesn't permit open flames on his boat, but the nice thing about fish is that you can eat parts of it raw if you're careful. It's soft and pale and tastes like the sea.
They arrive at an island before too long.
They are not! There's a squat building on top of a hill, and there's a small encampment of duergar looking suspiciously at them.
"Hello, stranger," the apparent leader of the duergar says. "Here to plunder the golems' dungeon?"
"Well, we've plundered most of the first floor already," she says. "But if you want to make our job easier by clearing the way to the second floor, feel free. We'll take what you don't."