Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
Belmarniss writes down evocations. "What have you got in the way of transmutations at mid level?"
Nathyrra looks slightly awkward. "I have Transmute Rock to Mud? Transmutations have never been my specialty, sorry. Gulhrys, the local merchant of the arcane, has a wide variety of scrolls for sale... at only moderately outrageous prices."
The party is in the market district, watching Deekin haggle aggressively with a drow lapidary who looks somewhat put-upon.
"-Deekin talk funny, but Deekin not stupid. Diamonds this good be hard to find even in Underdark. See clarity? See size? This diamond be Wish-quality. Name Deekin price for merchant, not for dumb kobold."
"Fifteen thousand, then," the merchant grits out.
"You hear what Deekin be saying about Wish?"
"Who do you see in this place who can cast Wish? I'm going to be splitting this into half a dozen low-carat jewelry pieces. If you want the full price then you can Plane Shift and pawn it in the City of Doors."
Deekin squints at the merchant and hums under his breath. "Twenty thousand," Deekin says finally.
Deekin hands over the walnut-sized black diamond they found in the ogre mage's desk, and the merchant hands over a sizable pouch, from which Deekin removes a single platinum coin for inspection. "Good. Oh, Belmarniss! Deekin be talking to nice lapidary."
"Hello, nice lapidary. You split up Wish-quality diamonds? Sometimes people who want to cast Wish are in a hurry and overpay."
"Nobody like that is coming through Lith My'athar," the lapidary says sourly. "The highest-level caster in town is the Seer's pet assassin, and she doesn't have ninth-level spells. If I were in Menzoberranzan I could sell it to one of the Valsharess's high magi... but if I were in Menzoberranzan the Valsharess would have long since appropriated my stock. Which is why I left in the first place."
Deekin nods. "Deekin sell rakshasa diamonds and other miscellaneous stones already. Lith My'athar very diamond-rich environment right now."
He hands Belmarniss a heavy purse. "Belmarniss's cut. Deekin also sell rakshasa sword to smith named Rizolvir and eyes to wizard salesdrow named Gulhrys."
Weighs about ten pounds.
"Yep! Belmarniss kept most loot out of everybody, Garrus get lots of cash to catch up, but even after Deekin do math to even up take Belmarniss get about seventy thousand. Deekin get it in platinum for convenience."
Scrolls and sundries are available! The most obvious purveyor of such is probably the drow manning the stall with books and scrolls and staves all over the place.
"Hi, I'm a transmuter, barred enchantment and necro, trying to book ahead of myself for spells of level five and six, and fill in my selection of fours, what do you recommend?"
The drow looks up from his tome. "As far as fourth level goes, if you don't get Black Tentacles you're insane; Dimension Door similar; Obsidian Flow or Monstrous Physique II are probably your best bet for fourth-level transmutation, it's a bit sparse. Fifth level, take Hungry Pit or Geyser if you're expecting spell resistance; Cloudkill is great for battlefield control; Glimpse of Truth is much handier than you might think; Baleful Polymorph should be perfectly obvious. Sixth, Chain Lightning is fantastic, matched only by Hellfire Ray but some people have ethical objections; Shadow Walk is convenient if you find yourself traveling places a lot; Disintegrate or Flesh to Stone should once again be obvious. Oh, and you'll want to pick up Stone to Flesh too, just in case."
"I'll skip Hellfire Ray and I got Chain Lightning, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Cloudkill, Baleful, and Disintegrate already from somebody but what'll the rest run me?"
"Lessee, that's two fourth level, three fifth, two sixth... call it fifteen thousand gold."
"Five, in that case, but don't come crying when your swordmaiden gets petrified. Or, rather, do, but I'm charging full price."