belmarniss in neverwinter expansion content
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"I am afraid I cannot help you with that," the Reaper apologizes. "I am... not very good at guessing what others might wish to know."


"Can I mention you to people?"


"I have no objection to being known or spoken of," he says. "Feel free to mention me to anyone you choose."


"Oh good. Hm. Celestial day meaning it's safe to die twice in a row if they surround midnight?"


"Regrettably, no. I require a full twenty-four objective hours between each death, to recuperate my power."


"Rough. I should get a watch. Do all of your perspectives run on the same time subjective?"




"Wow, hope I'm not boring all of you."


"As I said, I do not bore easily. And you are not boring."


"I'd say I am when I'm asleep but I'm told I talk."


"I had wondered about that."


"Obviously I'm not conscious for it but what I have heard is that it's mostly nouns and mostly in my native language but some in others as I acquire fluency."


He nods. "Shall I return you to the world of the living?"


"Gotta prep spells first." She hauls out her spellbook and does that.


And when she's done, he moves his hands in a certain pattern, and her world ripples, and...


Belmarniss is back.

There's a wizard standing next to her who has just finished casting Finger of Death. He's visible now, due to the hostile spell, and Jojo chops him in the throat to stop him casting anything else. The wizard, gagging, collapses to the ground, and Garrus seizes his arms and ties them behind his back.

Nathyrra looks almost panicked. "Belmarniss! Oh, thank the Dark Maiden, you resisted the spell. I should have cast- I should have cast Detect Thoughts, I forgot that Clairvoyance doesn't inherit my ability to see invisibility, how stupid-"


"Yeah I super died but apparently my cursed item is actually dead useful."


"Wow. I'm just gonna say, I was joking about that thing secretly being important, but I'm glad I was wrong."

Garrus finishes tying up the wizard, who looks very unhappy.


"I'll tell you all about it later after we're done with this asshole. We can't so much let him talk safely, can we, so..."


"Oh, yeah, you're probably right."

Garrus cuts the wizard's throat. "Whoever came up with Still Spell was either really bad at game theory or really good at it."


"Or they just wanted to be able to cast spells while they were cooking or something."


"I guess we can't rule it out. Now, about you not being dead?"


"The arrowhead - still don't know how I got it - means that I come back if I die. 24 hour recharge. I can rest and do spell prep and chat with this guy called the Reaper in paused time while I'm out. Nice guy."


"Wow. That's a hell of an artifact."


"Indeed," Nathyrra says, still somewhat perturbed. "Let's try to avoid using it again any time soon."

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