Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"More so than keeping it in my body? Because that's already gotten me killed a few times."
The vague mental impression of a shrug. It is not without its advantages. But if you choose to do so, ensure that no one touches your soul while it is vulnerable. The consequences are dire, by all accounts.
"Noted. So we just, what, walk up to Mephistopholes and tell him to fuck off, is this an exact words kind of deal, does he get a will save?"
Faint amusement. We are well beyond the realm of will saves. When you invoke a True Name, the effect is either within your power or outside it. Nothing more, nothing less. And you needn't worry about the exact words. He will know your meaning.
He would cease to be a part of the universe. Kill him, and he will reform in his palace in Mephistar. Quash his essence, and he will be gone forever, and a blow struck against Hell in the balance of Good and Evil.
"Gosh. Uh, in what ways am I more powerful now, like, am I just higher level and it merely feels weird to do that all at once, or...?"
You are higher level, as you say. You also have access to abilities in keeping with your new power - abilities which your home planet has never heard of, though this one has a handful of legendary heroes who have possessed them.
You could alter your magical channels so that you no longer need to speak or move in order to use magic. You could enhance spells above the ninth circle. You could learn the secrets of certain spells which are inherently beyond the ninth circle. You could - ah, your magic has already adapted to one such enhancement. You will find that where your spells needed the energy and structure of diamonds, before, and other such sacrificial materials, you may substitute your own power. Only to a limited extent; it will not afford you a free Wish, but it will allow... three Limited Wishes with a bit left over, per day. It is possible you could increase this limit, through practice and experience.
I do not give this power lightly. You bear the weight of destiny upon you, Truthseeker. I know you will do what must be done.
Another faint impression of a smile. My prison fits me well, singer. Do not trouble yourself.
"Oh, while we're here, can you tell us the name of the Sleeping Man's True Love, the one he's waiting for? It seems like the kind of thing he might like to know. - not her True Name, just, uh, her name name."
"Do true names tend to stay the same forever? Like, presumably the descriptors are not all true at birth."
No, they change over time. But if you know a being's true name, you know their true name.
It is unlikely - an Outsider's true name does not change without truly earthshaking intervention. But yes.