She gets the note just before lunch. She's in the PHQ in less than twenty minutes, then she knocks on Piggot's door politely.
"Probably. If you're the one running the show I might even become immune to Jack, too, if it is some power he has."
"Speculating about all the possible ways his hypothetical extra power could work is probably not gonna get us anywhere useful."
"Speaking tactically, we—my Siberian—could probably get rid of Winter, Vellum, and Screamer fairly easily, once we had a bead on them. Nice Guy and Miasma, we'd definitely need you."
"I don't know if I'd do anything about Miasma, but yeah, if I ever catch Nice Guy alone he's Dead Guy."
"You'd probably be able to actually see Miasma, which is the only reason he's as hard to kill as he is."
"I don't work on people who turn legitimately invisible, just people who make it so you can't see them. No idea which he is."
"Oh. Hmm, then I suppose the best way to deal with him is sneaking up on him, he only turns invisible while he's using his gas power."
" time we do the hypnosis thing, you need to try to convince me to make an invisible bot."
"I managed to do something almost invisible by mimicking those stupid monkeys, surely I can do the real deal."
"Ooh. I don't think I'd need to be under for that, though? I can just," and there's a spiderweb and a little black widow between his raised index and middle fingers.
"Did you have to include the spider? Did you have to include that spider?" exclaims Lorica, sitting up in bed.
The spider disappears and he sits up, too. "Sorry! It's a fake spider, it wouldn't do anything! But sorry."
"Yeah, I know, it just startled me and I'm mostly naked which is not a condition in which I like to encounter spiders. I don't mean actually a spiderweb, anyway, more like a three dimensional grid."
He makes the spiderweb disappear, then brings both hands together and spreads them apart, generating a spiderweb-like thing between them. "What properties should this have?"
"Hmmm... Without an actual mechanism for that it'd be relying on my and whoever-else's expectations."